Beware what you wish for?


Image via Wikipedia

The Secret has become a “new age” phenomenon, and as all things that get extremely popular, has also drawn a lot of criticism, chief being that the book is all a sham and that things don’t work the way Rhonda Byrne claims they do.

I received the following forward from a friend, asking me my views on what was said in an article titled Beware what you wish for (pasted below).

Have you heard about “The Secret?” It’s a new DVD which has become a phenomenon of what is called “viral marketing,” i.e., being passed along from friend-to-friend. It’s been on the news, it’s been on Oprah, it’s become a thing of the tinsel-town elite. What is the “The Secret?” It’s a technique which the “spiritual personalities” on the video guarantee will bring you wealth, friends, happiness, power and practically anything you desire. Obviously, it’s caught on. Especially with the unwary. Particularly with those who want something they haven’t earned.

The Secret is actually old wine in a new bottle. You have known it previously as the “Power of Positive Thinking,” “Think and grow Rich,” Nichiren shoshu chants, the song “Wishing will make it so” and even Haitian Voodoo practices. In simple language it tells you that you can have anything you want if you think about it constantly while visualizing what it is you want in your thoughts. Well, sorry, Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill got there first–-not to mention the black priesthood from Alantean times.

Does The Secret work? Yes, it does. And that’s just the problem. It’s why we have this delicious little saying, “Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.” Remember that. It’s true. Think on it.

There is a reason that Jesus said, “Your needs are known” and that great spiritual leaders have all said that we should be desire-less. There is a reason that people say, “The Universe will provide.” You should be aware that the “spiritual personalities” and the “New Age Churches” touting this so-called “secret” know nothing of real spiritual laws and are all out for the buck.

When you wish, desire, chant for, focus your thought on and visualize that which you think you desire, you make a karmic demand on the Spiritual Ether. Your demand disturbs the Ether just like a boat plowing through the sea and if you get what you desire (the question is always “when”) it will definitely have a price. It will exact something from you that you cherish or else you will soon lose it and much more. This is that part of The Law they don’t tell you about because they don’t know or understand it.

There is a story of the woman who wished for a white Cadillac in her garage. Her husband lost his job and they had to move and the people who moved in had a white Cadillac. Another story is that of the New York society matron who wished for a mink coat. She got it and her husband was immediately transferred to Egypt. Need I say more?

Oh yeah, they say this is white magic and you can use it to wish for peace and for healing and all that. Doesn’t matter. There is a principle involved here. It’s called the “Rebound Blow.” Just as a rifle kicks back when it’s fired and a balloon goes forward when air escapes from the other end, the rebound blow comes into play when you send out a forced desire for something.

The way this aspect of The Law is best explained is in that phrase from the Teachings of the Temple by Master Hilarion. He says, “Each step of good opens up a like return force of evil.” This is the rebound blow. Send out positive and you can expect negative in return. When you disturb the ether with the force of your desire that magnetism of that energy will circle around and hit you from behind with its reverse force. This means that if you have made a step upwards toward the good, the rebound blow will try to knock you back down again. And it will if you have not prepared for it.


Say you want to stop smoking. The energy put into quitting will circle around and hit you at a later date with a reverse force that will make you want a cigarette badly. If you’ve ever smoked and tried to quit, you know this is the truth! That force will be equal to the force you set in motion. If you give in, you’ve lost. If you can summon a greater force and not give in, then each time that force circles around, its energy will be less and less, decreasing until it’s gone and you are free of the bondage.

If you focus on something that disturbs the Ether, you will surely get the rebound blow. That’s Karma. There is a way to wish for something and protect yourself at the same time, however. Go ahead, wish for anything you want, but at the end of the wish, just add, “Only if it is my Karma to have this.” Now you’re off the hook. But then, why go through the process in the first place!

Know that the more visualization and psychic force you put into a selfish desire, the greater will be the rebound blow. Here’s the kicker. If you receive that which you so greatly desire, something of equal value will be taken from you. Your stocks may decrease in value; you may develop a sickness; you may lose your job. Whatever force you put into your desire, Karma will seek recompense. That is The Law. The whole object is to develop a pure heart and use it to perform unselfish acts. Then Karma will bring you what you need. But you have to TRUST that!

Do yourself a favor. Desire wisdom. It’s the only thing you can take with you when you leave. Remember the Law of Karma: you cannot keep anything you haven’t earned.

Here’s what I think:

This is an interesting article, but a lot of the reasoning is flawed.

The Secret basically explains the Law of Manifestation, which I had read about extensively, long before this book became such a big phenomenon. First, the reason for the book becoming a phenomenon (in my view) is that it breaks the law down and makes it easy to understand (it also over-simplifies the “law”), and gives people a step-by-step on how to use the law. The author got the basis for this book from The Science of Getting Rich, which was written in the 1800s, I think. So, this is a very old, universal law.

Why I say The Secret over-simplifies the law is because I really don’t think you can think yourself into being thin, for example, something that has been mentioned in the book! But if you think about it, your thoughts do have an impact on your environment and surroundings. When you look at a situation negatively, it can overwhelm you; but if you detach yourself a bit and look at it from the perspective of learning something from it, the situation isn’t as overwhelming anymore. Which is part of the reason why we can look back at certain events and laugh over them in hindsight.

Having said that, here’s what I think about the basic premise of this article: “Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.”

Well, what would be so bad about getting “it”? It could just be that when you get “it”, you realize fully that there is a trade-off involved. BUT, the trade-off does not come from the “answer to your wish,” it comes from the choice that you made when you “wished” for that something. For example, if you wish for a Hummer and you get it, you then fully realize the cost of maintaining and running it! But, it was your choice, and you have to deal with the consequences of your choice.

As for sending out a “demand from the Spiritual Ether” that will apparently have “an equal and opposite effect,” don’t you think that’s a bit too doomsdayish? I mean please! The woman who wished for a mink coat, only to get it and then have her husband get transferred to Egypt reeks of chain mails — forward this and something good will happen in 10 days, don’t forward it and you’ll have misfortune for 7 years!

And when great spiritual leaders say we should be desire-less, it has more to do with the philosophy of a religious/spiritual path — based on the fact that we cannot take our material goods with us, and that we should dissolve our ego and be more open to the experiences around us — than to an actual “evil” universe, because that is what the underlying argument is! If everything I visualize or desire is going to have an equal and opposite effect, then maybe I shouldn’t use vision boards (which work, by the way), or have goals and focus on them! And have you actually contemplated the full meaning of “Send out positive and you can expect negative in return”? So are you saying that if I send out negative, I can expect positive in return? Sorry, but I really don’t think it works like that!

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  • The Secret to You – a visualization tool designed to harness the power of The Secret to fill your life with happiness, prosperity, health and love.

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I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. i like this piece..v nicely written! i dont know though which side id agree with..a part of me is v doomsday-ish and another one begs for logic ;)..hehe..but i never thot id say this, but this has kinda made me want to read ‘the secret’ atleast 1ce to c whts d fuss all about! gimme my gift back! 😉

  2. Pingback: Spiritual Sunday #1: The Secret to You | Modern Gypsy

  3. Very well said. I was excited about The Secret when it came out, because here was an easily followed menu of something my step father had been trying to teach me for years. But then I started discussing it with people and there were two responses (1) it was all a sham and people are stupid to read it, follow it, believe it – the venom that I’d hear was astounding, and (2) people believed that they can think themselves thin, rich, successful, married, all without lifting a finger.

    Both opinions are unfortunate, because it’s pretty simple. I have a quote at my desk that says “today everything I want comes to me easily, I feel like a magnet.” It’s both inspiring and a reminder to watch what I give focus and energy too.

    Love the blog.

    • That’s a beautiful quote, so positive and inspiring! It’s unfortunate when people just look at the message at pure face value and thrash it or follow it to the T without pausing to think analytically. I’ve experienced the law of attraction at work much before I read The Secret, and much before I knew there was a law called the law of attraction! It works beacuse when you’re positive and certain and focused on what you want, that frame of mind enables you to make the right decisions and move toward your dreams. It might take time, but it will happen!

  4. Love it. I find any article entirely valid as long as the author gives two ridiculous examples followed by, “Need I say more?” Brilliant. Point proven, somebody get this guy a Pulitzer.
    I haven’t read the Secret, but I remember reading an article in a magazine about it the year it came out (It was a year in review type article – the Secret was the craze that year). That author was short and sweet and summed it up by saying something along the lines of, The Secret is published and becomes an overnight sensation as people come to realize they only need to think positively for good things to happen. I guess that means all the people that are poor and dying in the world should just have better attitudes.
    I thought it was awesome – a total, if one thing is true then the opposite must be true too. I’m all for having a positive attitude, and I think you definitely get back what you put out – but I completely agree with you, you attain your goals by working for them, and making decisions based on achieving them. Not because you concentrated really hard on the positive.
    Cheers fellow Flipper!

    • Hey Meaghan! I’m glad to know that there are people out there who think like me! Almost everyone I’ve come across either thinks that The Secret works and they follow it blindly (i.e., only think positive thoughts minus any positive action) or then they just thrash it as “New Age bullshit”. Very sad, because neither of these group of people will really benefit from the message that the book tries to give.

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