Wandering Wednesday #6: Food for thought

Ever since my college days, when I was pursuing a Masters in Mass Communication, I’ve loved feature writing – right from coming up with a topic to researching it and writing a piece. Lately, I’ve read quite a few interesting articles that made me pause…that made me rethink my world view…

think positive

Image by tango 48 via Flickr

For instance, how many times have we heard the phrase: “think happy thoughts!” Self-help books and  self-styled gurus try to tell us that we must change our negatives into positives to bring about a transformation in our circumstances. But did you know that research has shown that positive thinking can be downright harmful in some cases? Don’t just gasp, go on and find out Why positive thinking is bad for you.

Once you’ve figured that one out, come back and find out what is The problem with happiness. I’ll give you a clue – the more importance you place on being happy, the more unhappy and depressed you become.

Have you ever wondered how you think about your life? Is it a well-planned life, where you invest time in finding a clear purpose; or a summoned life, where you examine each concrete situation by sensitive observation and situational awareness? Find out in The summoned self.

Man of many languages - art installation in Vancouver Image by eyesplash Mikul via Flickr

The digital age has given rise to a whole lot of new words – such as Tweetup – that have become so popular that they’ve made it into the dictionary! Want to immortalize a “new” word of your own? How about going In search of a new word for Married?

Could you come up with a new English word, or did you find yourself leaning toward coining a new word in your mother tounge? Does that make you wonder if maybe your mother tongue places some restrictions on your ability to think? Find out! Does your language shape how you think?

Have you come across any interesting features recently? Thoughts on any of these articles? I’d love to hear from you! 🙂

(Click to read older Wandering Wednesday posts)

Posted in Wandering Wednesday and tagged , , , , , , , .

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. That “Man of many Languages” is very cool. My sister teaches ESL, and is always thinking about how language shapes our world. I am learning Spanish, and it is really making me contemplate my own language.

    • I was fascinated by the picture when I saw it — what a lucky coincidence that it went perfectly with what I was writing about! I’m trying to learn Italian myself — haven’t been able to find a good course, so am doing it through podcasts.

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  3. Dear Ms. Gypsy,
    Mother Hen here!
    MH always suspected that being positive was bad for you! Now she has the proof, thanks to yourself. Bravo!
    After all, when one tries NOT to think of something…well, this is what happens.
    Don’t think of a pink, polka-dotted chicken.
    Now what did you do? You immediately visualized a pink, polka-dotted chicken, didn’t you?
    If you try to think positively, doesn’t that bring all your negativity back to mind? Mother Hen is no expert (well, officially, that is) but she thinks it is clear that TRYING to think positively is simply a ways to use up precious brain cells needlessly!
    Thank you so much, dear, for your insightful references! The coop door is always open for new chicks, so we would love to see you at the nest sometime!
    Mother Hen
    (Referred by her close friend, another SITS Girl, Jodi Edwards Wright.)

    • Thanks for stopping by Mother Hen! I totally agree with what you said — the first time I tried positive thinking, I knew it would be the last. Every time I tried to think positive thoughts, it was always followed with “BUT…this is SO the opposite of what I’m thinking!” and a whole rant after it, which was longer than the positive thinking part!
      I’ll be visiting the coop soon 🙂

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