Release your fear: create art with wild abandon

release fear comparison create wild abandon

Fear of paint, of art, of creativity is something I’ve come across over and over again. People constantly say they can’t paint, or they can’t draw. But I say that everyone can paint. Yes, everyone.

Think back to your childhood – chances are that painting and drawing were your favorite pastimes. But as you grew older, you suddenly started thinking that you cannot paint.


Comparison and fear of ridicule.

Also, this belief that creating art is something “Artists” do. Artists = masters like Monet, Fragonnard <insert your favorite artist>.

But I say this: anyone who puts paint to paper is an artist. You’re fighting years of conditioning to trust yourself enough to paint. You’re fighting comparisonitis, you’re fighting fear of ridicule, and you’re being brave enough to paint.

No one has to see your creations, but create you must. Unleash the artist within, make some effort to learn some of the basics, and then approach it with love, with devotion, with abandon. Not only will your art improve, you’ll be able to work through your emotions and release them.

art as communication

The Sun card in the Tarot represents happiness and confidence. These three cards, interpreted by three different artists in three different ways, all communicate that same basic message via symbols and colors. From left to right: Universal Waite Tarot, Fountain Tarot, Dreaming Way Tarot

I would go so far as to say that art fulfills  the most basic of human needs – to communicate. From early cave man, who left us clues to his life and existence through cave drawings; to Egyptian hieroglyphs, which use pictures to create words; to the symbols on Tarot cards, which are used and reimagined and understood to this day; to the masters like Monet and Rubens, who left  behind a rich legacy of their lives and times; to modern artists like Rothko and Munch, who use abstraction and color to convey emotion and thoughts   – art is one of the most potent forms of communication. Not only is the artist conveying a message, the viewer is interpreting it according to what he knows and what he needs to receive in the moment.

And when you tap into this world of colors and symbols, images and creative play,  can you imagine the potential to bring about positive change? Even if all it is is a few moments that take you back to the unbridled joy you felt in your childhood,  is that not reason enough to release your fears and create with wild abandon?

Are you ready to kick comparisonitis to the curb and create with wild abandon? Click To Tweet

Ready to get started on your creative journey? My Art Journaling 101 ebook will help. Sign up for my monthly newsletter Gypsy Wanderings to download it for free.

Posted in Art Journaling, Mindset for artists and tagged , , , , , , , , , .

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. You talk so passionately about art, I can feel it. It almost motivated me to pick up my brushes again (which I haven’t since I was a teen as I mentioned before) Sometimes it makes me sad that it was something I gave up. Yes, comparisons did play a hand, I think.

  2. How beautifully you explained it. Its the comparison that kills half of the creative cells that we naturally posses. True everyone can paint and communicate in their own way. All they need is an interest and love for creating something with their own hands.

  3. You reminded me of my childhood when I used to paint so brilliantly. But yes, as we grow we take other things seriously thinking that art is not a serious option for profession.But painting is therapy, I now realise.

  4. Spontaneity is what makes an art form beautiful. And, fear normally restricts us from being spontaneous. I loved the three cards that you’ve shown here to represent how each mind interprets their own idea of a single fact.

  5. I create two ways—with fabric and with words. I think I would like to create with drawing. Today I read an article about former US President George W. Bush. He has dedicated himself to painting warriors, soldiers he once commanded. He said he’d never painted in his life, but he found teachers, and his art has transformed him.
    It proves you are never too old to try something new.
    Thank you for your inspiration.

  6. This is so true! Most of us fear of being mocked and that is why we don’t paint or draw… but painting and drawing or sketching… all of them does great work to our souls!!

    I like the way you motivated here!


  7. Thanks for such motivating words… I love putting paint to paper… Though it doesn’t always turn out well… Thanks again, I need to create art again.. hehe… Though it has been months since I painted… ‘wild abandon’ live that thought

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