Journey of a Seeker: The Power of Meditation

Journey of a seeker power of meditation

A spiritual journey is an inward journey – it’s a journey to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our life and our purpose. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the roles of society, in the rules we are conditioned to live by, in the pursuit of wealth, success, or the next shiny new toy.

But true peace comes from our inner strength, from the stillness and silence that is at the very core of who we are. It is this inner silence and peace that radiates out into our lives, creating a sense of serenity, calmness and balance in everything that we do. The best way that I have found to tap into this silence is through a regular meditation practice.I’ve tried meditating numerous times – watching the breath, focusing on the flame of a candle, trying to get my mind to go blank, doing a guided meditation that I found on YouTube or iTunes. Some of them didn’t work, at all! Watching the breath was boring, focusing on the flame of a candle made my eyes hurt, and trying to let go of my thoughts made me think even more thoughts! Some of the guided meditations that I found online were all right; they helped me relax a bit, but I never felt refreshed and renewed.

Needless to say, trying these meditation techniques was an exercise in futility – at least for me.

I found my first meditative experience at my art table – the act of painting, of creating, helped me to lose my sense of myself, of time, of place…But I didn’t always achieve this state of flow. Having experienced it a few times, though, I wanted more of this feeling of timelessness.

Now that I knew what I was looking for, the Universe led me to some excellent meditation teachers. Through a collection of guided meditation sessions, I finally started to connect with myself; to understand my blocks; and to grow in serenity. Soon, this inner tranquility started permeating my life – I was able to take work-related stress in my stride, my expectations and demands from the husband mellowed, and my monkey mind calmed down, somewhat! And as I connected in with myself, my fears, self-doubt, and anxieties started reducing.

There’s a lot of healing power in meditation, and I believe one can only taste it through experience. So why don’t you take out some time for yourself and try some guided meditations? I really like some of the meditations offered by Jessica Snow – though she offers a paid subscription service, she has a free meditation available to stream each month.

How do you connect in with yourself? Let me know in the comments!

Posted in Journey of a Seeker, Soulful living and tagged , , , , .

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. Reading your posts bring balance to my life…. does that make sense? There is a sense of calm that permeates your blog and I actually feel the vibrations. Sorry if this sounds crazy but honestly it does.

  2. I struggle with meditation of the breath too. Not for lack of trying. When practising mindful breathing, I don’t aim to empty the mind necessarily but to just focus on the breath which is tough for me. I’m better with sounds but even better when I’m in nature {beach or bush}, or exercising or while writing. I think we can be mindful when we are in flow — like you are with art. 🙂

    • Yes, mindfulness in motion works best for me! Art is most definitely one of my mindful practices. And guided meditation is another almost daily practice that really grounds me.

  3. Glad that you found an excellent healer. It’s wonderful to read your experience on meditation and how it has improved your life. I love meditation and do it just before sleeping. It helps me relax and have a good night sleep.

  4. I could never meditate. I could never concentrate and focus on my breath or anything. It’s great to read your experience, Jini. I will definitely check the links you shared.

    • Yes, it’s really hard! I used to get irritated or bored to tears trying to focus on my breath! Hope one of these meditations works as well for you as it did for me. 🙂

  5. Very inspiring thoughts regarding meditation. It has helped me a lot when I close their eyes and don’t let thoughts filter to be in the moment. I need to try the various techniques that you suggested and will check them out.

  6. I meditate daily. And I get connected to self through my guru. Thankful to him for channeluzing my inner journey towards my inner peace. Happy that you find your inner peace through art and by your healer.

  7. I am always thrilled when I see a blog post about a journey i know I am going to enjoy it, add art to that and it is a win. I enjoyed your post. I am glad I dropped in from #microblogmondays.

  8. I have done a 10 day Vipassana course and learnt to meditate by watching the breath. I like the lessons I learnt in mindfulness, being in the present, responding rather than reacting and patience. I practice it on and off, but I truly want it make it a part of my life. Glad that it is working so well for you, Shinjini!

  9. Just like meditation for me what conversation I am having with myself is important . So I keep on telling myself at the times of crisis that this one shall also pass. I have few targets for myself which I keep on telling myself everyday and that keeps my mind controlled

  10. It’s refreshing to read someone who I would expect to have this whole meditation vibe nailed 😉 that it’s okay to not get it and to continue looking for alternatives. Spirituality is different to everyone and your post re affirmed my own belief.

  11. I have to practice more meditation. Unfortunately, society considers idleness a sign of being lazy. I know better of course, but sometimes sitting still when I’ve got a ton of things to do makes me feel guilty. I’ve got to get past that. Meditation is actually very good for you.

  12. Yes! I just wrote two recent blog posts about the power of creativity. It is a gift that we are born with, our purpose for living, and the way that the Universe communicates with us!

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