The Daily Ritual

The daily ritual prose poemThe silence of the morning,
Broken only by the hum of the refrigerator,
The whirling of the fan,
The chirping of the birds on the big tree outside.

A pack of Tarot cards,
A mug of steaming hot coffee,
Black as sin, strong as oxen, bitter as heartbreak,
A journal
A pen.

Shuffle, cut, pull;
Gaze, contemplate;
Emotions rise,
Thoughts flow;
Write. Sip. Write again.

And then rise up,
Rinse the cup,
Tuck the cards safely away,
Place the journal back in its inconspicuous corner;
And then begins the morning rush:

Bathe, dress, pack lunch
kiss the cats goodbye
run out the door
Gun the car engine and screech
Out of the parking lot

As though escaping

a pack of demons.

That quietude of the early morning:
It’s that quietude
That makes everything else

Do you have a daily ritual? Let me know in the comments!

Posted in Soulful living and tagged , , , , , , .

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. Wow!! I have just started reading poetry and I am amazed how people express thoughts in verse. Beautifully penned! And yes I have a morning ritual before I rush to the kitchen to prepare the day’s meals for my family which is a 10 minute prayer to be thankful .

  2. The silence of the morning,
    Broken only by the hum of the refrigerator,
    The whirling of the fan,
    The chirping of the birds on the big tree outside.

    Beautiful words cleverly written. Thank you. My early morning routine is read my Bible and pray, then get onto my tablet and paste my links for the day into the various Facebook pages and groups. Only then do I get up. (Blush!) Thankful Thursday Week 2 Link-up.

  3. I love it! I love my quiet mornings when I can have my coffee and read my blog comments. I also try to do some morning yoga before heading off for my day. It really helps me center myself:) #ablogginggoodtime

  4. What a lovely poem. I like my ginger tea first thing in the morning and some time before the morning rush kicks in. I also love to walk to my Yoga class and look at people who are getting ready for their day. It’s a good way for me to kick start.

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