June 2022: Tarot spread for the new moon in Cancer

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the the Sabian symbol for the June 2022 new moon in Cancer.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the June 2022 new moon in Cancer

The June 2022 new moon falls in the sign of Cancer. The Cancer archetype is emotional, intuitive, nurturing and healing. It also symbolizes “home” and all the things that home represents – not just our physical home, but also our emotions, energy, body, and the spiritual hearth of our souls.

Spiritually, the Cancer archetype is one of compassion, of recognizing that people, in general, act to the best of their abilities, limited by their education, upbringing and current awareness. The Cancer archetype knows that love and forgiveness, where possible, are the best way to respond to destructive behavior – along with firm boundaries, of course.

This new moon will be a good time to examine our shadows, especially if we tend to hide or dim our light. If you’re naturally outgoing and confident, this new moon can help you usher in new partnerships or collaborations, so keep an eye out for any opportunities that present themselves around this time.

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June 2022: Tarot spread for the full moon in Sagittarius

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast, exploration of the the Sabian symbol, and additional resources for the June 2022 full moon in Sagittarius.

Tarot spread for the June 2022 full moon in Sagittarius

The June 2022 full moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius. The freedom loving Sagittarius archetype is in a constant search for inspiration, new avenues of exploration, and adventure. This is a sign that gets bored of the status quo easily, and needs the rush of a new quest to keep them on their toes.

Spiritually, the Sagittarius archetype teaches us to cultivate our own personal relationship with the divine. Contrary to what most religions and a lot of spiritual teachers say, you don’t need an intermediary between you and Source/God/the Universe. You have that connection available to you at all times. Learning to tune in and trust that connection is where a lot of us seem to stumble, though.

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May 2022: Tarot spread for the new moon in Gemini

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the the Sabian symbol for the May 2022 new moon in Gemini.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the May 2022 new moon in Gemini

The May 2022 new moon falls in the sign of Gemini. The Gemini archetype is very curious, an excellent communicator, and a disseminator of knowledge. It is the sign of the writer, of those who tend to think deeply, are highly perceptive, and prefer to learn from experience.

Spiritually, the Gemini archetype is about courageous conversation, be it with another person or with the Universe. Gemini adds its vibration to the advancement of culture and civilization through dialogue, be that via books or blogs or letters.

This Gemini new moon closes the eclipse portal that started in April 2022. This would be a good time to integrate any changes that you may have noticed over the eclipse cycle; any a-ha moments, shifts in perspective or new insights.

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How to paint brown skin tones using mixed media

Bring some diversity into your art journal!

Full video tutorial and step by step domo on painting brown skin tones using mixed media

Join me in my art studio as I show you how to paint brown skin tones using mixed media. This is a very simple, beginner friendly technique to paint brown skin tones on whimiscal portraits in your art journal.

One of the most frequent complaints I’ve heard within the art journal community is the lack of diversity in instructions on how to paint faces. Most teachers focus on painting fair skinned portraits, which leaves people of color feeling under-represented and unseen.

Added to that is the fact that getting the shading, highlights, and shadows on darker skin tones is often much more difficult than standard fair featured portraits.

While there are many different ways to approach painting darker skin tones, I’ve come up with a fairly easy way to paint brown skin tones using mixed media art supplies.

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May 2022: Tarot spread for the full moon in Scorpio

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast, exploration of the the Sabian symbol, and additional resources for the May 2022 full moon + lunar eclipse in Scorpio.

Tarot spread for the May 2022 full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio

The May 2022 full moon falls in the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio archetype is known for its intense power and its ability to transform, much like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, ready to fly. The Scorpio archetype isn’t afraid of the birth-death-rebirth cycle, for it is only when parts of us die and are reborn that we can fully transform.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that spiritually, the Scorpio archetype teaches us to surrender – to align our human will with divine will. It can teach us that sometimes our human trials can reveal a need for deep healing. This is not always easy to live with or to understand, especially when the need for healing arises from trauma, and yet on the other side of working with and healing trauma there can be deep and valuable transformation.

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Explore a neutral color palette in your art journal

Join me at the art table as we explore how to use a neutral color palette while painting a whimsical imaginary character in our art journals.

If you’ve seen my art, you know that I LOVE color — blues, pinks, oranges, bright greens — bring them on, please! But what you probably don’t know is that I absolutely love seeing artists who paint with a lot of white and with neutrals — there’s something so very striking about their art. I’ve never been able to successfully paint with a neutral color palette, though. Until last month, that is.

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Unboxing + review: A Yogic Path oracle deck by Sahara Rose

A Yogic Path by Sahara Rose deck review

I came across A Yogic Path oracle deck on Amazon quite by chance, and I was almost immediately intrigued by this deck of cards that fuses together concepts from Vedic spirituality with the philosophy of yoga, chakras, and deities. This also happened to be around the time that I was becoming more interested in learning a little more about my own ancestral traditions from a non-dogmatic, non-religious framework. This deck felt like a perfect way to dip my toe into these concepts.

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Stuck in a rut? Here’s how to freshen up your art practice

On this episode of the Art with Soul Podcast, we talk about exploring new artistic territory. I share some of the projects I’ve been working on and the new skills I’ve been developing. And I explain how bringing in a beginner’s mindset to your work can help you to expand your artistic capabilities and bring a sense of freshness to your art. Tune in!

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