Hi! I’m Shinjini

I’m a passionate artist, prolific writer, voracious reader, and seeker of soul.

I believe in the mysteries of the Universe, in the power of an intention...in crystals and Tarot and Oracles...

In the transformative power of stories and the healing power of art and creativity.

I believe that writing is medicine – as a long time journal keeper, I have experienced the positive impact that focused writing has had on my life. I also know that art is therapy – creating a new piece of art {be it a painting, a photograph, or digital artistry} fires me up and soothes my soul!

I am a firm believer in the tarot and oracle cards – they are a powerful tool for self-development, soulful guidance and deep inner work. Add in some crystal magic and intentional rituals, and you’ve got gold!

Combined, all of this is pure magic.

And I’m passionate about sharing this magic with YOU!


What I offer

Ecourses: art, tarot, journaling, there's a lot to explore here!

The Daily Pause: A 40-card oracle deck to connect with your inner wisdom.

Tarot consultations: Professional tarot readings delivered straight to your mailbox.

About this site

I started this blog at the tail end of 2006. Over the years, it has evolved from a public log of sorts to a reflection of my interests and passions. I really don’t believe in being tied down to any particular niche. I’m a multi-dimensional person with varied interests and viewpoints, so how can my online space be single-dimensional? Given the wide variety of things I write about, here’s a little index of sorts to help you navigate through the site.

Art related offerings, from art tutorials and techniques, to articles on the artist’s mindset, a portfolio of my original artwork, and more.

Articles and resources to help you live a more soul-centered life - from meditation and mindfulness, to journaling, creative living, self development and more.

Stories that inform our lives…the things we care passionately about…the rabbit holes we like to fall into…these form the weft and weave of our lives….this is a little slice of mine, perhaps you’ll see parts of yourself reflected back, too?

Go through my travel diaries and travel postcards – perfect for armchair travelling or for planning your next vacation!

Browse through my bookshelf to find your next read – all the books I’ve read are rated on a scale of 1–4, and you’ll find links there to all of the books I’ve reviewed.

Essays on a range of topics – from women’s issues and my thoughts on living a childfree life, to social media, ideology and more.

So why don't you grab a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable, and immerse yourself in my world for a while?

I'm so glad you found your way here!

