December 2023: Tarot spread for the new moon in Sagittarius

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Sagittarius.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the December 2023 new moon in Sagittarius

The December 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius. The freedom loving Sagittarius archetype is in a constant search for inspiration, new avenues of exploration, and adventure. This is a sign that gets bored of the status quo easily, and needs the rush of a new quest to keep them on their toes.

Spiritually, the Sagittarius archetype teaches us to cultivate our own personal relationship with the divine. Contrary to what most religions and a lot of spiritual teachers say, you don’t need an intermediary between you and Source/God/the Universe. You have that connection available to you at all times. Learning to tune in and trust that connection is where a lot of us seem to stumble, though.

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November 2023: Tarot spread for the new moon in Scorpio

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Scorpio.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the November 2023 new moon in Scorpio

The November 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio archetype is known for its intense power and its ability to transform, much like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, ready to fly. The Scorpio archetype isn’t afraid of the birth-death-rebirth cycle, for it is only when parts of us die and are reborn that we can fully transform.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that spiritually, the Scorpio archetype teaches us to surrender – to align our human will with divine will. It can teach us that sometimes our human trials can reveal a need for deep healing. This is not always easy to live with or to understand, especially when the need for healing arises from trauma, and yet on the other side of working with and healing trauma there can be deep and valuable transformation.

We are also exiting the eclipse cycle, and while we may feel some lingering effects of the eclipse energy through the month, it should start to wane with this new moon.

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October 2023: Tarot spread for the lunar eclipse in Taurus

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the October 2023 full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus

The October 2023 full moon/lunar eclipse falls in the sign of Taurus. The Taurus archetype is grounded and steadfast, calm and composed, firm and also somewhat stubborn. This is a sign that is practical and earthy, and is associated with material pleasures, desires, luxuriousness, and abundance.

Spiritually, the Taurus archetype teaches the principle of belonging through presence…our presence as sacred human beings…honoring the body temple…honoring the flow of life. This can be difficult given the society we live in, which praises the hustle over reverence and treats time as money rather than a finite resource that should be used wisely in the pursuit of the things that give us meaning.

We also have a partial lunar eclipse that is visible over parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, North/East South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica.

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October 2023: Tarot spread for the solar eclipse in Libra

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon and solar eclipse in Libra.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the October 2023 solar eclipse and new moon in Libra

The October 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Libra. The Libra archetype is closely associated with justice and maintaining balance in social interactions and within the self. They are the true diplomats among the zodiac archetypes, and focus on fair dealings in all their relationships.

Spiritually, the Libra archetype teaches the principle of intimate balance, of the ability to remain centered and true to yourself no matter what may be going on around you. This is a skill that can be particularly helpful for those of us who turn up our noses at societal expectations as we dance to the tune of our own drum beat. Being able to remain centered is also an important skill to have if you’re surrounded by toxic people – and in these times, even toxic politics! One of the easiest ways to remain centered is through the breath, and by being able to distinguish between the things that are in your control, and those that aren’t.

We are also entering eclipse season, with a solar eclipse in Libra. Solar eclipses typically lend extra oomph to the new moon, helping us to break habitual patterns, bringing in an awakening of sorts, and offering us a cosmic reboot.

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September 2023: Tarot spread for the full moon in Aries

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the full moon in Aries.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the September 2023 full moon in Aries

The September 2023 full moon falls in the sign of Aries. The Aries archetype is known for its bold – often rash – action, for going where angels fear to tread. As the first sign of the zodiac, it represents the active core of our spiritual journey on earth, and teaches us to act in accordance with our ideals. The Aries archetype teaches us to be unafraid to march to our own drumbeat, to assert our willpower towards the attainment of our desires, and to embrace beginner’s mind and the innate trust and explosive power {conviction + action} that is needed to start something new.

Spiritually, the Aries archetype teaches us about action. And as most of us know, it’s easier to talk about the things we want to do than to put in the work and actually do the thing! Aries teaches us that courage is the key to unlocking the full potential of this spiritual principle. And that comes from connecting your head to your heart, focusing your will, and taking consistent action towards your dreams.

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September 2023: Tarot spread for the new moon in Virgo

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Virgo.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the September 2023 new moon in Virgo

The September 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Virgo. The Virgo archetype is logical and practical, with an eye for detail and the steadfastness to go after their goals. This is a sign that thrives on meticulous planning, on honing skills to perfection and gaining mastery over their chosen vocation.

Spiritually, the Virgo archetype teaches the principle of devotion. One way to understand this principle is by looking at it through the lens of one’s devotion to their craft. While all the buzz seems to point towards profiting from your passion, there are numerous examples of famous writers and artists who held down a day job for most of their lives. Franz Kafka was an insurance clerk, Harper Lee was an airline ticketing agent, Mark Rothko was an elementary school teacher and Paul Gauguin was a stockbroker. They could all have given in to the dull drudgery of making a living, but they didn’t – and the world is much richer for their devotion to their craft.

This new moon also marks a time of endings and new beginnings. It can bring up old issues, patterns, or blocks for another go-around or a final resolution. Healing work — be it therapy or self-healing techniques — will be helpful during this time. Spend some time to review where you have been focusing your attention and decide where you want to go from there.

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August 2023: Tarot spread for the full blue moon in Pisces

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the full blue moon in Pisces.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the August 2023 full blue moon in Pisces

The August 2023 full blue moon falls in the sign of Pisces. The Pisces archetype is highly intuitive and very open to the flow of creative imagination. This is the sign of creative dreamers and mystics and visionaries, which makes this full moon an excellent time to flex your intuitive and creative muscles.

Spiritually, the Pisces archetype teaches the principle of unity, of recognizing the divinity within you. One way to understand this principle is by looking at creation – the creator {God, Universe, Source, however you wish to name it} created this earth, the rivers and seas, the trees, birds, insects, animals, man. Similarly, man has the ability to create – and to create consciously. It is this ability that points to the spiritual truth of Pisces, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience {with the emphasis on our humanness in all its frailty and beauty}. It is by accepting responsibility for consciously creating – which isn’t always easy – that you connect most deeply with the creator. Needless to say, empathy and compassion are the cornerstones of the Pisces archetype.

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August 2023: Tarot spread for the new moon in Leo

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Leo.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the August 2023 new moon in Leo

The August 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Leo. The bold and dynamic Leo archetype infuses us with a passionate zest for living. It is the archetype of the fiery creative who is confident and unafraid to stand in the spotlight. But this infectious dynamic can also succumb to its shadow aspects of overbearing pride, drama and arrogance.

Spiritually, the Leo archetype teaches the principle of creative manifestation. Clarity of thought and focused energy, which points to the spiritual principle that your beliefs about life tend to shape your life. You can see this spiritual principle at play with a regular gratitude practice. When you cultivate an active gratitude practice, you tend to experience a shift in your life and circumstances. And while your life may not change dramatically, your outlook to life can certainly shift.

This new moon can also usher in a new cycle of change, encouraging us to release old patterns, blocks, and goals that may be going nowhere. That is the only way to let in some fresh energy and vitality — and this new moon definitely encourages that. What excites you? What feels vital and juicy at this time? Focus on that, letting anything that is holding you back from following those clues fall away to the wayside.

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August 2023: Tarot spread for the full moon in Aquarius

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the super moon in Aquarius.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the August 2023 full moon in Aquarius

The August 2023 full moon falls in the sign of Aquarius. The independent, free-thinking Aquarius archetype encourages us to examine our inner wild self and celebrate everything that makes us unique. It is the archetype of the reformer, the idealist who strives for tolerance, unity, and a better and brighter society. And despite these rather lofty ideals, the Aquarius archetype isn’t afraid to get in there and get its hands dirty.

Spiritually, the Aquarius archetype teaches us how to be true to our own voice, to listen to and follow the calling of our own heart and soul. By learning how to tune in rather than out, by being true to the things that make us unique, we undertake the journey to individuation.

This full moon also highlights our standing in the world, and with it, our personal power. It also lights up our role in society and the ways in which we contribute to the world. Some of us contribute in big and beautiful ways – through social activism, teaching, sharing of wisdom and knowledge – others in gentle, smaller ways – among our families and communities. Both ways of being in the world are valid.

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July 2023: Tarot spread for the new moon in Cancer

Plus some journaling questions, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Cancer.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the July 2023 new moon in Cancer

The July 2023 new moon falls in the sign of Cancer. The Cancer archetype is emotional, intuitive, nurturing and healing. It also symbolizes “home” and all the things that home represents – not just our physical home, but also our emotions, energy, body, and the spiritual hearth of our souls.

Spiritually, the Cancer archetype is one of compassion, of recognizing that people, in general, act to the best of their abilities, limited by their education, upbringing and current awareness. The Cancer archetype knows that love and forgiveness, where possible, are the best way to respond to destructive behavior – along with firm boundaries, of course.

The July 2023 new moon also highlights the concept of home. Where we lay down our roots, the people we consider family, and more importantly, this body that we inhabit, which is our home on this planet that we call home.

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