Journey of a seeker: Devotion as a spiritual practice

devotion as a spiritual practice, spirituality

Devotion: what images does the word conjure up for you?

Until about a decade ago, it brought to mind images of the prayer room at home, of the temple I visited as a child, the church I sought refuge in during my teenage years when I was looking for peace.

Over the years, though, this image has changed. Devotion, for me, is no longer limited to prayer; it has become much vaster and deeper than that.

For me, devotion is about the tending of the flame: being deeply aware of my own needs and desires, inner  impulses and self care. Because it is only when I am nourished and looked after on the inside that I can devote myself to the outside.Continue reading

Journey of a Seeker: The Power of Meditation

Journey of a seeker power of meditation

A spiritual journey is an inward journey – it’s a journey to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our life and our purpose. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the roles of society, in the rules we are conditioned to live by, in the pursuit of wealth, success, or the next shiny new toy.

But true peace comes from our inner strength, from the stillness and silence that is at the very core of who we are. It is this inner silence and peace that radiates out into our lives, creating a sense of serenity, calmness and balance in everything that we do. The best way that I have found to tap into this silence is through a regular meditation practice.Continue reading