No matter what

I was reading an article on the net about living on purpose and with soul. The article made you stop and think about “no matter whats” that we need in order to lead an authentic and generous life, that will empower and not imprison us.

So here are some of the influences, activities, and people that cause me to shine, that describes the environment that fosters my wisdom, and helps me to bring the best that is within me to the forefront.

  • No matter what, I need to have a space that I can call my own, where I can rest, reflect, think and play.
  • No matter what, I need a creative outlet. It helps me center myself and let go of some of my stress.
  • No matter what, I need a workplace that empowers me, where my contributions are recognized and acknowledged and where there are clear avenues for growth.
  • No matter what, I need to be surrounded by music and books — music to soothe my soul and books as they make me fee safe, somehow.
  • No matter what, I need to travel, to explore new places and cultures, as that keeps me alive and enthused.

  • Now, it’s your turn. Think about the influences, activities and people that help you to shine; and the metaphor that you would use to describe the environment that fosters your wisdom.

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    I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?

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