A day in our life #WriteBravely

For today’s Write Tribe Festival of Words #6, I invited my dearest friends to tell us about a typical day in their lives. I’ve often wished that I had just half the fun they do – when you read what they have to say, I’m sure you’ll agree with me! So, without further ado, let me turn this over to them!

Life – it is beautiful! From dawn to dusk, we are engaged in the things that matter the most to us. We follow our curiosity, indulge our passion, and also get up to a bit of fun and mischief from time to time!

Let us give you a peek into this beautiful life.

Oh, and fair warning – we don’t like linear stories, so we aren’t going to do a boring time-table and tell you when we wake up and when we go to bed!

Let’s start, instead, with one of our passions – food!

We believe in sharing and caring, so meal times are always family time.

And we love our solitude {and believe in looking cute while we think}. Shopping bags make the perfect cat cave!

Of course, there’s nothing quite like climbing up on high places and chilling out. It’s the perfect spot for us to hang out and survey our kingdom.

And after all this hard work, we need to sleep!

Oh, and we hate laptops. Whenever the mommy works on one, we remember who we are: lapcats!

Did we tell you how important sleep is? Humans never seem to sleep enough. We, on the other hand, squeeze in a nap at every opportunity we get! Cheerios!

It is a cat’s life, isn’t it? I’d love to be a pampered house cat in my next life! 😉

Posted in Stories.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. This is such a delightful post and a complete visual treat. Your cats are adorbs Shinjini <3
    I wish I could keep a pet cat too, but my two furry girls can't stand the sight of one. Lovely, pectoral post. Glad I came by.

  2. Such a sweet post Jini! I used to have a kitty too and she was the laziest one I have known. Every time she used to hear my moms footsteps she would just sprint and vanish – yes, my mom wouldnt let her curl with me..

  3. OMG! How cute!! I havent seen cats as pets from close quarters, but after seeing your cats, I’d like to be a cat in my next life too. What are their names and for how long you have had them?

  4. oh I love this!!! Love the pics, too cute. I am cat obsessed, yes call me crazy cat lady, I have 7! And they actually get along. I have 3 rescue cats, we had another but it passed away. I also have 3 Ragdoll cats and one British Shorthair. So this post made me smile! #mg

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