Tarot reading for November 2018

Tarot reading for November 2018

Here we are, almost at the end of another year. Just two months to go, and we will be ushering in 2019. This year has been tumultuous on the global scale, with movements like #MeToo, which shook the patriarchy but also highlighted just how deep seated it is and how difficult to dislodge it will be.

Closer home, there were a clutch of landmark judgments by the Supreme Court of India. The repeal of Article 377 decriminalized the LGBTQ community (LOVE WINS!); and the curb on the bursting of firecrackers (green crackers and time limits for crackers, not just on Diwali, but for any and all religious and celebratory purposes) are just a few of the welcome moves.

On a personal level, too, this year has wrought some subtle shifts and changes; and I can feel a layer being shed and something new emerging. What about you: how has this year treated you? I hope it has been good on balance.

Anyhow, without further ado, let’s get to this month’s tarot reading. Remember, this is a general tarot reading for November 2018 for the collective. 

Tarot reading for November 2018

We have an interesting interplay between the Eight of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles. One represents pure potentiality, the other dedication. One represents hard work and focus, the other could indicate success and good luck. It all depends on where we are at this point in time.

There are times when we seem to be working working working with no real goal in sight. We are plodding along, doing what we think we have to do, but are not too sure of why we are doing what we are doing and where we are going with it. It’s almost like we have lost sight of our original spark, and are now just continuing on with the motions.

If this describes what you are going through right now, then it may be time to stop and recalibrate. Try to find your way back to your original why and get clear on where you want to go and why you set down this path that you find yourself on. You may need to refine your focus, let go of some of the things you were doing and maybe try something new.

At its core, this month is really about gaining a level of clarity on your why – in almost every area of your life. Why you do what you do, why you want what you want, why you run towards certain things and resist others. It’s about lifting your eyes from your tunnel vision and looking at the vast field of opportunity and potential that is before you. It is about dreaming a new dream, refining an old one, or maybe even just enjoying some time in the vast, liminal space of creative visualization where dreams can be born and new paths revealed.

Our plant ally this month is Comfrey, with her wisdom of sustainable healing. She reminds us that while we can adapt to almost any circumstance, we must remember, too, to build in the pause – to nourish ourselves, to course correct where needed, and to ensure that we are not over-exerting ourselves. Because the 8 of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles can make us do just that!

I hope this reading resonated with you, and if you have any questions at all, do let me know in the comments!

And if you need some support or guidance in any area of your life, consider booking a Tarot reading with me. I’ve been told they’re really helpful. 😉

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I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. I am a November born and hence feel this month to be special. It is interesting what you mentioned about lifting your head from the tunnel vision and getting a broader vision. I guess, i do it once every few weeks.

  2. October has been very fulfilling for me both on the personal and professional fronts. I found my purpose, as a blogger and felt completely at peace with my choices after a long time. Personally too, I made some progress on my relationships, both in terms of holding on to the ones that matter and letting go of those that don’t. I am really looking forward to November and December. Hope you have a lovely two months too.

  3. What a nice roundup, Shinjini! Yes, I’d say the year has been on balance, because that’s what life is best at. If not right away, the balance does show up soon enough, only–we have to recognize and appreciate it. We also have to remember that the tiny things grow into larger things that matter. Mindfulness 🙂

    Thank you for the reading. Very sage advice and an excellent attitude to keep in mind.

  4. It seems to be more a month of introspection. Surprisignly October was like this, where I got deeper into thiking what and whys of my life in general. Looks like its going to continue in November too. Hope I arrive at some sort of a conclusion with respect to a few of my activities.

  5. Working working working with no goal in sight, well, November does seem like that for me in the work front at least. Looking up at the broader picture does seem helpful.

  6. Wow its November already…how this year has sped past? This year was sort of a path-breaking year for me. I quit my job as a teacher and took up farming. And how fulfilling that has been. October has been great too with all the loose ends falling into place. Lovely read Shinjini. Wishing you a happy November.

  7. Oh yes, as always this speaks to me, MG. I’ve been going through days of wondering what I’m doing and I know I need to stop and refine my ‘whys’.
    I’m intrigued about comfrey – I’d honestly never heard of it. Off to read more.

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