On feeling loved…

I take on the baton of Blog Love from Deepa Gandhi.

I have to admit, when I first saw the topic of this blog chain – Why I love my blog – my mind went blank. Why do I love my blog? There are so many reasons, and no reasons at all! But then, due to some personal reasons, I was unable to find words – any words, on any topic. And when I mentioned that, the fabulous Richa Singh offered to write a guest post for me. Here it is –  it brought tears to my eyes! For more reasons than I can list out, Richa, thank you!

Ghetto Blogging.

A term that has been existing in my dictionary since 2009. Also the year I started blogging.

It means when a group of bloggers start to follow each other’s content pattern and eventually form a mutual admiration society to sustain the uninspired walks of blogging- Ghetto is formed. It neither helps blogging or bloggers.

Whatever is opposite of Ghetto Blogging comes in the form of Modern Gypsy’s Blog.Continue reading

Begin today

Today, a brand new gift of 24 hours.
A fresh slate to start anew.
Myriad possibilities, new potential,
so many little things we can change.Continue reading

With love, from Instagram!

Hello there!

I thought it would be fun to pop in today with some Instagram love! I love sharing snippets from my art, life, books, and more on there. It’s visual, instant, and so much fun!

Like the time when I got my hands on the gorgeous Kuan Yin oracle deck – the artwork is scrumptious and the messages are deep and beautiful – I just had to share immediately!

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#MicroBlogMondays: Send my baby some love

Meet my boys – Loki {on the left} and Simba {on the right}. They’re almost five years old, which means they’ve been with us for over four and a half years. But it feels like we’ve had them forever.

Simba is our little ball of sunshine. He becomes Mr. Lapcat every time I try to work on the laptop {ok, most times} and literally demands his cuddle time. If we are doing anything when he wants his cuddles, he will push it out of our hands and firmly insert himselfoin our lap, demanding to be the center of attention.

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#MicroblogMondays: I’m becoming a hermit!

Slowly but surely, I seem to be becoming a hermit.

The Hermit tarot card: I'm becoming a hermit

This is a cycle that repeats itself every couple of years. I start turning into this person who goes to work and runs back home and doesn’t want to step out again. I think of meeting friends, running errands, going shopping or walking, but it seems like too much to do. I’m happy pottering around the house – writing, painting, journaling, doing some inner work.

Sometimes I realize that it’s just the stress getting to me. In those cases, it’s rather easy for me to snap out of hermit mode. At other times, it takes me a while to realize what is happening.

Why, you ask? Because I am an introvert – and as an introvert, I love my solitude. Being around too many people for too long saps my energy, so I’m perfectly content with my hermit life.Continue reading

Plumbing the darkest depths of my soul and living to tell the tale


Has this ever happened to you? Periods when you felt like you are drifting along, rudderless, without any ambitions or passions?

It happened to me. It lasted roughly 4-5 long years. Looking back, it was the worst period of my life.

I felt adrift, lost and confused; I had no ambitions and no passions. I can’t remember how many articles I read during that period – articles telling you how to find your passion, how to get up in the morning with boundless energy and raring to face the day. None of them helped. I felt like I was trapped in the darkest depths of my soul and there was no way out. Continue reading

The story of a move: my journey to a self-hosted blog

Around the start of the month, as I was idly scrolling through Twitter, I saw a tweet about Host My Blog. Curious, I clicked over to their profile, and saw that they offer web hosting solutions for Indian bloggers and small businesses.

Then I saw their pinned tweet – Start a blog with .in @ INR 227 a year.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Yup, it was INR 227 for the year.

That’s roughly the price of a cup of coffee, I thought to myself, and immediately dropped them a message to find out more.

The story of a move

I had been toying with the idea of moving to a self hosted blog since a while, but it seemed like a really scary proposition. WordPress.com had been home for about 10 years, and they took care of everything – spam, SEO, space et al. But my dreams were growing, and the blog was starting to feel a bit restricted.Continue reading

My friend and I

I’m curled up on the sofa, looking out at the rain falling steadily down. The weather outside – rainy, overcast, ominous – reflect the thoughts swirling around my head.

There’s an inner turmoil that’s been brewing within me since a long, long time. A problem that seems to have no solutions. No matter how much I try, or how often I upbraid myself for failing, it just doesn’t seem to work out.

And now I’m convinced there’s more to the problem than meets the eye. It’s not a simple case of do X to achieve Y. There’s something buried deep within; this problem has spiritual roots.

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Reclaiming my voice

I’m curled up on my favorite spot on the sofa. Legs up on the ottoman, laptop balanced on my knees. As I look through my old posts, at some saved drafts for blog post ideas, I realize I’ve let fear paralyze me. Fear of being not good enough, of my voice not being powerful enough. Fear of what people will think if I post this or that. Fear of being inadequate to the expectations I set for myself. So. Much. FEAR.

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