If we were having coffee #WriteBravely

if we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I would ask for it black with a pinch of sugar and a slice of cake. Because really, coffee and cake make the best combination!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have created my first ecourse – it’s been ready since weeks, but apart from vaguely telling a few people about it, I’ve kept it tightly under wraps.

Why? Prissy Missy – I wrote about her yesterday – has been having her way with me. And I didn’t even realize it until a few days ago – remember I told you she goes into Kamikaze mode when you try to bat her away?

She’s had me second guessing the entire course all this while, but now that I’ve wisened up to her ways, I’ve been making little stealth attacks of my own. I’ve been dropping a breadcrumb of clues about this offering, and every time I say something about it, I get Missy to quieten down some more.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have recommitted to my morning ritual, and I can already see the difference it is making in my life. Taking some time to slowly, mindfully ease into my day helps me to make better choices and remain more calm as I deal with everything that life throws my way. It’s a simple ritual – a one-page brain dump, three deep breaths, a Tarot card draw and a spot of writing – 15-20 minutes is all it takes on most days, and I have the flexibility to shorten it if I am running late.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the long summer of my absence from the painty table seems to be coming to an end. I’ve been spending more time with paper and paint, am dreaming up new ideas, and am feeling like myself again! I’ve had a digital art practice going on during the hot summer months, but I so missed the excitement of putting paint to paper/canvas. And in case you’re wondering why I stayed away when I love it so much – it was the heat! I really do need to get an air conditioner installed in the art room.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have really enjoyed the Write Tribe Festival of Words #6. The prompts have made me think, pushed me to write a lot more consistently, and has introduced me to some wonderful new bloggers. I think smaller challenges like this one are so much better – more doable, less stressful, and they really let you enjoy the entire point of a challenge, which is to write consistently and interact widely.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I love to write letters. In fact, I write a lovely letter called Gypsy Wanderings to my newsletter subscribers every month. These are heart-centered missives from me to you, with some musings on life, creativity and/or spirituality; along with exclusive goodies; and a monthly oracle reading. Getting in on the letters would also give you access to the growing Wanderer’s Library, a secret library that is stocked with juicy ebooks (think Art Journaling and mindfulness) + workbooks, art prints, desktop wallpapers and more.

Posted in Stories.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. I would tell you, that I also enjoyed this festival and connecting with the tribe!
    And cake goes well with coffee for sure! But, I can have a piece of cake, by itself too;)

  2. I would agree with you on this write tribe festival being a great one for meeting new bloggers and writing creatively. Your recourse sounds interesting, share some details. Ignore the prissy missy 🙂 . It was nice having virtual coffee with you, keep in touch.

  3. If we were having coffee, I would catch up with you, since we haven’t done that in a long time now. And I would tell you how I loved coming back to your blog. Its a happy place to be in. 🙂 ❤

  4. If we were having coffeee I wouldnt sleep for days, that’s the way coffee works on me. But if we were having tea I would tell you you are a clever lady and I am pleased to be virtually meeting you and hope you get to read things from me.

  5. So glad to have connected with you Shinjini through this challenge. That’s the amazing part of such blogathons – meeting new people and having conversations over virtual coffee

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