May 2019: Tarot spread for the new moon in Taurus

The May 2019 new moon falls in the sign of Taurus. The Taurus archetype is grounded and steadfast, calm and composed, firm and also somewhat stubborn. This is a sign that is practical and earthy, and is associated with material pleasures and abundance, which makes this new moon an excellent time to create some practical rituals and routines that feel pleasurable. Yes, routines can be pleasurable, and that’s a shift in perspective you can work on during the May new moon!

Spiritually, the Taurus archetype teaches the principle of belonging through presence…our presence as sacred human beings…honouring the body temple…honouring the flow of life. This can be difficult given the society we live in, which praises the hustle over reverence and treats time as money rather than a finite resource that should be used wisely in the pursuit of the things that give us meaning.

The May new moon also highlights the self: who we are, at our core – body, mind, behaviours, routines. It encourages us to look at issues like self-care and self-acceptance, to examine our relationship with our bodies, with time and how we are spending it.

The new moon in Taurus is thus an opportune time to focus on things like establishing new routines, especially new exercise and fitness related routines. It’s also a good time to look at how we are spending our time, and to make sure that we are balancing work and play.

Astro-Tarot influences for the May new moon

To throw some more light on the May new moon astrology, let’s take a look at the astro-tarot influences of this lunation.

The Taurus new moon falls in decan 2, which is represented by the 6 of Pentacles. This is to be interpreted in conjunction with The Hierophant, which is associated with Taurus.

The 6 of Pentacles can be seen as a card of contradictions – having/not having; generosity/meanness; supporting/not being supported. However, its strongest association is with patronage – both being in the position to offer patronage and receiving patronage after a particularly difficult time. The Hierophant is traditionally associated with religious order and strict social and hierarchical structures. It is also associated with teachers, healers and gurus, and with conforming to societal norms and expectations.

This, then, speaks to the adage of healer heal thyself. What contradictions between your thoughts and actions do you need to resolve? It can represent uncovering and resolving the contradictions between what you think and what you do; what you know to be for your good and what you ignore anyway. These contradictions often arise from a disconnect between who are at our core, vs the beliefs we absorb from society at large.

Tarot spread for the new moon in Taurus

Here’s a tarot spread to help us tap into the energy of this new moon.

Astro-tarot forecast and tarot spread for the new moon in Taurus

1. Pleasure and play: Draw 2 cards to represent how this energy is showing up in your life currently. Do you notice any contradictions here? Does this energy seem like it is too much of pleasure or too little play? Look at the suits, the numbers, the figures on the cards.

2. Work and routines: Draw 2 cards to represent how this energy is showing up in your life currently. Do you notice any contradictions here? Does this energy seem like it is too much of pleasure or too little play? Look at the suits, the numbers, the figures on the cards.

3. Bridge the gap: Draw 2 cards to see how you can bring these two into balance and to set up some new routines that support you in your goals/plans. Use these two cards to come up with some action steps for this moon cycle

4. Message from mamma moon

Journaling questions for the Taurus new moon

Not a cardslinger? No problem! Here are some questions to reflect on instead:

1. Check in with your feelings. Are you overwhelmed, stressed, anxious? Or are you relatively calm and at peace?

2. What can you do to bring more pleasure into your life? Making space for a new {or old} hobby, a coffee date with friends – think of ways in which you can have some fun.

3. Examine your routines: Is there a new routine you’d like to start? Maybe a new exercise regime or a fitness goal you’d like to work towards? Set your goals {make them realistic} and create a roadmap to achieve them. Bonus points for coming up with a way to track your progress too.

Working with the moon

The new moon is when we set intentions for the moon cycle. It’s a way to focus on a particular goal or desire from one new moon to the next. I have found this to be a very effective way to get things done and to achieve my desires. Of course, there have been cycles when I have slacked, but working with cyclical time gives me a gentler perspective when it comes to achieving my desires.

This blog post details my new moon ritual and how I work with the new moon cycle:

Tracking the moon + a look into my new moon art journal

Interested in learning about Astrology, Tarot, mixed media and developing your intuition?

Join me in Pull Pen Paint, an interactive course on journaling with tarot and oracle cards, mixed media art, bookbinding, and more.  PPP is about learning to pull cards, interpret them intuitively, journal using your intuitive insights, and even take it a step further and use the cards to spark your creativity in an art journal, sketchbook, or on canvas! From Astrology and numerology to sound healing and crystals, it’s going to be an amazing 12 weeks of interactive, hands-on learning, all from the comfort of your own home! You can find out all the details and sign up right here.

I hope you find this helpful, and if you have any questions on working with the lunar cycles, please do let me know!

Posted in Moon by Moon.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?

One Comment

  1. Coming at a time when I just got a dressing down from my family, it was reassuring to read your tarot spread – a contradiction in the offing: one one hand they praise me for managing everything for them , on the other, they chide me for being slack and sloppy…..

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