The 2020 book bingo reading challenge

The 2020 book bingo reading challenge

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” ― Groucho Marx

Of course, these days it’s not only the television that distracts us. There’s Netflix and Amazon Prime and all the other streaming channels, as well as the access we have to the world wide web right at our fingertips.

But Marx was on to something. Despite the world of information we have access to 24×7, nothing beats the knowledge you gain when you take the time to lose yourself between the pages of a book.

And what better way to commit to spending some quality time with a diverse range of books, than to sign up for a reading challenge? So here it is – the 2020 book bingo reading challenge!

The 2020 book bingo reading challenge

There are two main parts to this reading challenge: choose your bingo journey + commit to a quarterly check-in.

The 2020 reading challenge is open to everyone – you do not have to be a blogger to join. You can track your progress on Goodreads, LibraryThing etc. The only requirement is that you have a dedicated shelf for this challenge, and that your profile is not private.

Your book bingo journey

There are 25 prompts on the book bingo reading challenge. You get to decide how many you want to do.

The 2020 book bingo reading challenge prompts

Click image to download high-res bingo card

Go for the full house, which means you commit to reading 25 books in 2020.

Pick your rows: Choose a few rows and commit to finishing those during the year.

You can choose two horizontal or two vertical rows, for example, which would mean a commitment to read 10 books during the year.

If you choose one horizontal and one vertical row of books, that gives you 9 books for the year.

Or choose a combination of horizontal, vertical and diagonal rows – choosing 3 rows means a commitment to reading 12-13 books in 2020.

Quarterly check-ins for the 2020 reading challenge

There will be a quarterly check-in, because what’s a challenge without one, right?

Track your progress on your bingo card {don’t you love crossing off books as you read them?}, tell us about the books you read, the one you loved the most, or give us mini-reviews of all books you’ve read so far for this challenge. How you write your quarterly check-in posts is entirely up to you.

Download the book bingo card here

The quarterly check-in post will go up on my blog on the last Monday of each quarter {except December, see schedule below}.

Write a check-in post on your blog, make sure to link it to my challenge post, and drop your blog links in the comments on my check-in post each quarter. I’ll leave the comments on each check-in post open for 2 weeks.

Here’s the schedule, so you can pop it into your editorial calendar 😉

Quarterly check-ins:

30 March 2020

29 June 2020

28 September 2020

21 December 2020

Not a blogger?

Track your progress on Goodreads, LibraryThing etc. The only requirement is that you have a dedicated shelf for this challenge, and that your profile is public. And share the link to your dedicated shelf with us in the check-in posts so we can see what you are reading. {After all, that’s the best way to find new books to add to our already tottering TBR lists! ;-)}

Declare your reading addiction

2020 Book Bingo Reading Challenge
Copy and paste this code to your blog’s sidebar or post:
Grab the challenge button and add it to your blog’s sidebar. This will let your readers know you’re part of the 2020 book bingo reading challenge. After all, declaring your challenges publicly is one of the best motivations for sticking with it, right?

Extra points if you use the button on your check-in posts too!

Are you in?

Write a blog post telling your readers you’re doing the 2020 book bingo reading challenge, add the challenge button, and drop the link to your blog post in the comments below. Non-bloggers, add your dedicated shelf on Goodreads/LibraryThing etc in the comments below!

Please do not drop a link to your blog’s homepage – I will delete those comments. {Comments on this post will be open until 1 December 2020}

I hope you’re as excited about this challenge as I am! I look forward to having you join in. Do spread the word about this challenge – the more the merrier, right? xx

Pin this post! <– automagically opens in Pinterest!

Posted in Book reviews.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. I think a challenge is a great way to motivate oneself although speaking of reading challenges, I prefer going solo and rather impromptu with mine. I’m definitely sharing your post, Shinjini and I wish you good luck with hosting this one. Unbelievable feeling, knowing 2020 is just round the corner! Gosh, where and how did time fly by so quickly???

  2. Oh this is exciting. I still haven’t decided which challenges I’ll take up for next year but 25 books is very doable for me.

  3. This is exciting and sometimes a challenge like this is the best way to get going. I need to up my game on reading. This year, I was very slow read some 12 books. But I also go slow and usually don’t take up any challenges. :/ Remember we spoke of how unorganized I can be? 🙂

    • The write tribe reading challenge this year helped me to read more. I didn’t stick to my reading list, though. Hence the book bingo – I thought it would be good for unorganised people like me. Maybe it will work for you, too. 😉

  4. Pingback: 2020 Reading Challenges (From Around the Web) | Xxertz Blog

  5. Pingback: Matters of Shelf Control — 2020 Reading Challenges | Stuck in the Stacks

  6. Pingback: Reading Challenges 2020 - Royal Musings

  7. Pingback: Reading Challenges in 2020 – Feathered Turtle Press

  8. Pingback: 2020 Book Bingo challenge – What I read when I read

  9. Pingback: 2020 Book Reading Challenges – From Ink to Paper

  10. I know I’m late but I joined this challenge today.
    Book Bingo.
    I tried to add the link like you posted but had some trouble. I managed to get the button on my site but don’t know whether it works like you anticipated.

    Will head over to the check-in now.

  11. Hello,
    It is wonderful to be able to participate in the book bingo, but I especially love all the other insightful information i find on your site. My blog post is titled “see something read something” where the challenge was mentioned. I’m not sure about the button though, thanks again

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