January 2021: Tarot spread for the new moon in Capricorn

Tarot spread for the January 2021 new moon in Capricorn

The January 2021 new moon falls in the sign of Capricorn. Symbolized by the mountain goat, which maintains perfect balance while it climbs over precarious rock ledges, the Capricorn archetype is one of disciplined and dogged determination towards the attainment of our worldly desires.

Spiritually, the Capricorn archetype teaches us about integrity and helps us to harness the ability to plan our work, and stick to it, no matter what. In these times of 24×7 consumption culture, it’s easy to be addicted with shiny object syndrome and forget about our goals and plans. Capricorn teaches us about the meaning of integrity: to align ourselves with our highest ideals and actualize our potential.  

The January 2021 new moon offers us a beautiful start to the year, as it highlights our deepest desires and creative vision, and can help us to actualize the fulfilment of our desires. This is a good time to refine your wants list or your goals for the year, and to come up with some actionable plans.

The Capricorn new moon also highlights the power of the collective. Think friends, collaborations, social groups. Though it is still not possible to gather with friends and loved ones, there’s a lot that we can do using the technology at our disposal. 2020 has certainly shown us that! This January 2021 new moon would be a good time to review how you’re using technology to communicate, to find groups that interest you, and perhaps exit groups that are no longer a fit.

Psst…if you’re looking for a book lovers group, come join me in the Readers Nook.

Astro-tarot influences for the January 2021 new moon

To throw some more light on the January new moon astrology, let’s take a look at the astro-tarot influences of this lunation. The Capricorn new moon falls in decan 3, which is represented by the 4 of Pentacles. This is to be interpreted in conjunction with The Devil, which is associated with Capricorn.

The 4 of Pentacles is generally known as the card of the miser, of the one who holds on to his/her resources tightly. This often indicates a lack mentality and money mindset related issues. However, it can also represent financial stability and the accumulation of wealth. The Devil is a card of illusions and materialism. Of feeling trapped in negative cycles of behavior without realizing that it is in our power to break free of them.

This, then, speaks of the need to examine our money mindset and money stories. This is especially relevant as we work on our wants or goals list, as it gives us the opportunity to really examine why we want what we want, and how we will know we have what we want.

The Daily Pause Oracle Deck

I designed this beautiful, 40-card oracle deck to bring in some stillness, to give us a word or an idea to reflect on as we go about our day.

Supported by the four elements – earth, air, fire, water – and a carefully thought-out structure that connects the cards, The Daily Pause oracle will help you to listen to and trust your own inner knowing.

There’s no learning curve involved with using this deck. Just get quiet, shuffle the cards, pull one out, and reflect on the word you’re presented with.

It’s easy to get trapped in the “wanting more” mindset. Popular culture doesn’t model simplicity and the concept of “enough” – the thrust is on consumerism and incessant consumption. A cycle that can easily make you feel like you lack resources.

But is that really true? That’s the question you get to ask on this Capricorn new moon.

Then there’s the idea of lack – of feeling like you don’t have enough. When talking about money mindset, there’s this idea that almost always comes up – of asking yourself how much do you allow yourself to receive. On the surface, this can sound a lot like victim blaming, especially for those who genuinely do not have enough.

Another way of looking at this is to remind yourself that being open to receive is just another way of counting your blessings. Trapped in an overculture that celebrates excess, it can be easy to lose sight of what’s truly important to you. It’s easy to chase the wrong goals, to imagine you want what they have although that may not have been your initial vision.

As an example, I spent some time last year getting clear about what I want from my business. When you get into the online biz space, you see this thrust on creating a 6-figure business in a month {ha!} and all the funnels and systems that go into building it. It’s easy to think that’s the only way to build your business – even if doesn’t align with you. Or that if you don’t have a 6-figure business you’re a failure, when you really may not necessarily want or need a 6-figure income. Getting clear on my initial why helped me to refocus and rebalance and come back to doing what I do with a feeling of joy rather than a constant feeling of not enoughness.

That’s what this new moon asks us to do: to tune out the noise, get clear on your why, and forge your own path – an excellent way to start the new year, don’t you think?

Sabian Symbol for the January 2021 new moon in Capricorn

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Expect two to three emails per month, with a link to the post containing the forecast, a beautifully designed tarot spread, and journaling questions.

 The Sabian Symbol for Capricorn 23 degrees is A Woman Entering A Convent.

I think this is a fascinating symbol, and so apt given everything we’ve been discussing so far. It reminds me of tuning out the incessant noise and going inward to find your personal truth. To drop societal demands and pressures, and the disenchantment with the things that are “out there” and focus on what brings you meaning.

This symbol also evokes a spiritual quest, a search for the sacred in the everyday. A need to quieten the monkey mind and find that inner core of stillness from where clear eyed decisions can be made.

Tarot spread for the January 2021 new moon in Capricorn

Here’s a tarot spread to tap into the energy of this new moon.

Astrology and tarot forecast for the January 2021 new moon, plus a tarot spread and journaling questions for the new moon in Capricorn.

1. Embody: Choose a significator for an energy you would like to embody over the coming year. Preferably an open draw, but you can shuffle and pull if you prefer.

2. Align: Choose 3 cards that will show you how to align with and embody this energy.

3. Mama moon says: This is always a supportive message

Journaling questions for the January 2021 Capricorn full moon

Instead of journaling questions, spend some time this new moon getting clear on your deepest desires + your broad goals for the year. Decide on your measures of success, where applicable; draw some action plans where needed; and get really clear about why you want what you want. This should set you up for better success through the year.

If you want some help with this process, download my year-end planner, The Visioning workbook – a gift from me to you.

If you share your tarot readings using this spread on social media, please use the hashtag #moontarotstories so we can connect with each other.

Are you new to the tarot, and still struggling to make sense of the cards?

Join me for Tarot Fundamentals, my ecourse specially designed for tarot newbies.

In this self-paced course, I am sharing all the things that I wished I knew when I was starting my Tarot journey, including:

* The two mainstream Tarot systems and the best starter Tarot decks

* The structure of the Tarot

* How to quickly start reading the cards …. and much more

When you sign up, you also get some exclusive bonus content + PDF downloads, including:

* How to do a daily Tarot reading

* How to keep a Tarot journal

This class is perfect for you if:

* You are curious about Tarot and want to know more about its origins and how it works

* You are keen to start reading or learning the Tarot but don’t know where to start

* You’re feeling beginner’s overwhelm and are ready to chuck the cards in a drawer and never look at them again

* You dabbled with the tarot but found it confusing or couldn’t understand what you were doing with the cards or how to begin interpreting them

This course is the next best thing to sitting across the table from me and picking my brains about the basics of the Tarot.

Posted in Moon by Moon.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?

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