Self-Love-o-Scope Oracle Reading for Self-Care February

Let’s kick the month off with a little self-love-o-scope Oracle reading. My intention with this reading was to offer you the self-care actions or tips you need the most at this time, and to see what energies would assist you in each of these areas.

I used a self care oracle card deck that I picked up years and years ago. I’ve lost the original box, so I can’t tell you who the creator of the deck is or even what it’s called! I’ve paired each of these cards with a Tarot card from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Tarot deck. I chose this deck for this reading because its messages are gentler {and sometimes slightly different from the Raider-Waite}, much like most of Doreen’s cards.

I decided to pull four cards – one for each week of this month. Here are the cards:Continue reading

Self-care February: Are you in?

February is the month of red – red roses, red balloons, red velvet cake, red hearts proclaiming undying love for one another.

It’s the month for candlelight dinners and the exchange of gifts, flowers, and cards.

It’s the month when sappy romantic songs come blaring across the airwaves, sugary sweet, treacle like, seducing us with their promise of love eternal.

And I’m not in the mood for any of it.Continue reading

How to feel vibrant, energetic and ready to embrace life


If there is one question that is at the forefront of all our minds, I believe it is this: What can I do to feel vibrant, energetic and really awake and ready to embrace life?

It’s a question that has no one fixed answer. It doesn’t look the same for any of us. And yet, it is central to our well being.Continue reading

The Word

Goodbye, Create. We’ve had a wonderful year together.

We created a soul practice – meditation, crystals, Tarot, Oracle cards, journaling breakthroughs, life recording

We created some lovely art – not as much as I had hoped to create, but I’m grateful for all the beautiful pieces of art that we did create

We created my why, my purpose, my vision

We created this beautiful new website and found a wonderful blogging community

Your blessings were many, your lessons bountiful, and for that I am truly grateful. As our journey together comes to an end, it is now time to….

To shine the light both inwards and outwards…to examine the broken places, the cracked surfaces, the lies I tell myself and the falsities I believe…to turn the light outwards, as I embrace my voice, sink more comfortably in my skin, stop hiding bits and pieces of myself, and speak truth to power. It’s exciting, and scary, which means that I am on the right path.


What’s your word? Tell me in the comments!

#UnWrapChristmas: Turning the spotlight on the spirit of the season

Festivities are in the air for Christmas is here! On the eve of Christmas, a bunch of merry bloggers have banded together to unwrap the spirit of the season. Join us as we spread some Christmas cheer in the blogosphere this year! A big thank you to Vijay Preetham Burton for passing the chain on to me.


As I share what Christmas means to me through images and a few words, in the spirit of the season, I also have some surprises for you! Click on the images to unwrap your presents – little nuggets, some from deep within the archives, that I hope will help you bring these feelings into your life too!

Christmas is when I yearn to….


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Why I’m thrilled I read fewer books in 2016 + my 5 favorite reads

As I go through the books I’ve read this year, it’s immediately evident that the count is much lower than in the last couple of years. Since about 2012, I think, I’ve been averaging about 60 to 70 books each year. This year, the count is at a measly 26. And I’m thrilled! Because it is tangible proof that I’ve been spending my time doing more art, more soul work, and a whole lotta more blogging!

Reading has always been something I love – and don’t get me wrong, I love it still. But in the last few years, it had become an unhealthy, obsessive sorta love. I used it as an escape route – from life, from inner work, from my fears and hopes and dreams. Because if I was spending every free moment reading, I wasn’t doing much of anything else, was I?Continue reading

#KindleThySpark: Raising a toast to the spirit of New Year

We’ve slogged through an entire year – almost 12 months of ups and downs and sometimes bone-crushing weariness. There have been high points and low points, exciting times and heart-warming moments, and heart aches and betrayals, and some things that can really weigh us down. But we don’t want to start the New Year on a weary note, do we? So let’s do something about it…

Let’s #KindleThySpark!Continue reading

Decoding The Year: Turning the goal setting process inside out

“I’m breaking up with resolution setting,” I fumed. “It’s only February and I’ve fallen behind on everything!”

This was me, some years ago, ranting and railing to the husband. And as I got ever more angry with my lack of stick-with-it-ness, he quietly said: “Are you sure you’re approaching this whole goal setting thing the right way?”

That made me stop in my tracks and think – my resolutions were a list of things I “should” do:

  • Lose 10 kgs
  • Exercise everyday
  • Be more organized: Clean the living room and prepare for office at night
  • Organize the <insert latest pain point in the house>
  • Weekend getaways every month

You get the drift, right?Continue reading

On my art table: Soulful surrender

On my art table soulful surrender art journal spread art journal artist art journaling india

There’s a current of magic that flows through our life.

I’m not talking about the Harry Potter kind of magic. I’m talking about the magic that shows up in our life – through synchronicity. Which is simply being in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people at the right time, hearing a message or a piece of music at the right time.

It’s not necessarily earth shattering magic.

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Gratitude thread for October

There’s a thread of gratitude that runs through my life.

Moments, big and small, that I’m grateful for. People and events that I give thanks for. They range from the small things I used to take for granted – a clean car thanks to the car cleaner who comes in early in the morning; a clean desk at work courtesy the office boys who stay back late to clean up our office space – to the larger events, like a month of good health for the husband and me after almost two months of illness.

As part of my evening ritual I spend some time journaling, which includes – on most days – a gratitude list. Over time, this simple activity has led to a tangible difference in the quality of my days. I find myself in a much more positive state of mind, and I’m able to weather the storms that come my way a little bit better.Continue reading