On finding the strength to do difficult things

finding the strength to do difficult things

I took my introverted, hermit self to my neighbour’s house for a story telling session on Saturday. It was a session on performance art and spoken word poetry, along with a mini workshop on poetry writing in Hindi. I assumed that I would simply be an observer, but no – that was not to be.

Not only did I write my first ever Hindi poem, I recited it too. Not once, but twice. In room full of strangers. With shaking hands and twitchy muscles, because I really am not good with public speaking.  



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It was also one of the bravest things I have done in a long time, but it isn’t one that I would want to repeat any time soon. Did I mention that public speaking literally gives me the jitters? I have shaking hands and weak knees, my muscles start twitching, and my heart beats at a million beats a second.

In retrospect, what felt special about the evening was that it was Imbolc, which is also called Brigid’s Day – a traditional Gaelic festival that marks the beginning of spring. And Brigid is the goddess of the fire (the forge and the hearth), poetry, creativity and healing. And what made it even more special is that though I am not very good with Hindi {I wrote the poem in Roman script}, my mother is an excellent poet – in a different life, she could have been a lyricist or a poet of renown.

And the evening – the writing of the poetry – felt like a confluence of Brigid’s blessings and mom’s DNA. I don’t know if I will write in Hindi again, I sure don’t think I will get up in a room full of strangers and perform ever again, but I do think I will try my hand at English poetry again.

What is the bravest thing that you’ve done recently?

Posted in Soulful living.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. Every time I lead a church service (I’m an Anglican Reader, a lay minister), I have to draw on strength I simply do not possess. As an introvert, I am most definitely not a public speaker! I much prefer small gatherings in our home. I like creating space for others to speak, but this is not what folk consider a regular church service to be for – they like the person up front to do it all…

  2. Oooh! That’s a great question. I have to say the bravest thing I have done recently was to make a doctor’s appointment. Good for you for conquering your fear of public speaking. You never know…you may get up in a room full of people and read another poem someday! In the mean time, maybe you could publish it here!

  3. Good for you. I don’t think I’ve done anything brave lately. But I love that A) you took this step. B) you enjoyed it and C) you are motivated enough to keep going! From little things, big things grow. #AbloggingGoodtime

  4. In our training sessions, we always ask the participants, “When was the last time, you did something for the first time?” Ideally, the answer should be, frequently. Doing new things, stepping out of our comfort zone does wonders! It’s just the first step that is difficult! Glad that you conquered your fear of public speaking and wrote a poem in Hindi for the first time too! More power to you, Shinjini!

  5. Wow! That was so brave of you, Shinjini! Kudos to you for the courage to break out of your comfort zone and speak in front of a room full of strangers! I’d love to read that Hindi poem of yours, Shinjini because I’m pretty sure it is quite awesome. I actually want to do a lot of things this year that I haven’t before, but of course, I’m taking my steps rather slowly. It will all happen in good time, I suppose. ‘Der aaye durust aaye’, as they say! 🙂

    • I’m not so sure how awesome it is, and I wasn’t sure about sharing it, but…we’ll see. All the best to you with the things you’ve planned out this year. Slow and steady does it! 🙂

  6. You were indeed brave, Shinjini. Writing a poem in a language you are not comfortable enough in and reading it out in front of many people is a daring task. If it were me in your place, knowing there would be many people in one room, i would have made excuses not to attend the gathering. What brave thing have I done recently? Since January, I have been putting on a brave face twice a week and offering voluntary services in son’s school. I wouldn’t say I am enjoying it very much but I feel it will be good for me, quite a bit, to step out of my solitary zone.

    • Well, I didn’t know that I would have to get up and speak. I thought I could simply be part of the audience. But alas. Good on you for volunteering at your son’s school. Stepping out of the solitude from time to time is also very important!

  7. Wow! That must have been such an experience 🙂 If you are comfortable sharing, would love to read your poem.
    Last month I sent in a short story to the NYC midnight challenge – first time I am participating in such a challenge…was super nervous initially but so glad I overcame the fear and submitted. 🙂

  8. That’s great Shinjini, to have been able to overcome a daunting task.It always helps to look at our fears squarely in the eye. I will be looking forward to your poems. I used to write so much poetry myself, but find myself at loss doing so now. Probably less inclined. Possibly a phase, I say.

  9. We sail in the same boat, Shinjini! I begin to stammer if I have to speak in front of an audience-whoever they might be–known or unknown! I forget my words, I forget my language and I behave like a complete dodo. But, this year, I have promised myself that if I do get a chance to speak in front of an audience, I will make an attempt. However badly I speak, at least I won’t kick myself later for not trying!
    I am glad you recited your poetry in front of a roomful of people. And, I am also glad that you plan on resuming poetry writing again. So, what if you don’t wish to perform in front of an audience, at least you made a decision to bring back the poetess in you. That is reason enough to feel awesome!

    WIsh you the best, Shinjini! <3

    • Yeah. I’m so much better with a handful of people, where it’s more a conversation rather than me in the spotlight! There was a time when I used to find it difficult to speak to a group of strangers, but I’ve gotten better at that – at least I think so! I’m still on the quieter side anyway.

  10. I don’t have a problem with public speaking now as an adult but I remember what it was like when I was a kid. It can be extremely stressful so good for you for getting up there in spite of you shaking. That’s a brave thing indeed. As for anything brave I’ve done lately, I got emotional with my sister and a stranger. I don’t get emotional around people, especially strangers. So that was pretty brave of me I guess. #ABloggingGoodTime

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