It’s not that time of the year without…

It's not that time of the year without...the mindful break mindfulness practice

October wouldn’t be October without….The Mindful Break!

Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking. It’s festive time, with Diwali – the largest Indian festival – around the corner. But for me, October has become synonymous with mindfulness.

Why I needed a mindfulness practice

October is a crazy-busy month at work. I’m usually up to my eyeballs in deadlines, with reports coming in to be edited faster than you can say Jack Rabbit. It’s also festive time, and I’m usually stressed about work, moping about not being able to enjoy the festivities, scrambling to keep up with Diwali shopping and decorating, and generally losing my sanity one moment at a time.

Until one fine day, four years ago, I decided to adopt a daily mindfulness practice, especially during busy months, and most definitely in October.

To hold myself accountable to this mindfulness practice, I decided to invite my community along for the ride.

And that was the best decision ever!

Benefits of mindfulness

Those 15 days of consistently remembering to take a pause in the midst of the crazy busy and just come into the present moment smoothed the edges of my frazzled nerves. I was able to focus on work and manage the Diwali frenzy with a lot more ease and calm. My temper was under control and I wasn’t a prickly ball of irritation for the entire month.

Sharing my mindful moments on Instagram became tangible proof of the moments of calm that we can find even in the midst of unimaginable stress. Going through #TheMindfulBreak hashtag stream on Instagram and seeing everyone’s mindful moments also brought in a feeling of calm and rest.

That experience stuck with me through the coming months and years, and helped me build up a toolbox of mindfulness tips and exercises that I could draw on whenever I needed to.

I’ve put some of these tips and tools together in a beautiful ebook that you can download for free by entering your email in the form below.

More than that, I hope you’ll join in and take The Mindful Break this year, from 7-21 October. Just head here for all the details and to sign up.

I hope these 15 days become the start of a consistent mindfulness practice for you as well!

I received this tag from Pragya. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Vinitha. There are 38 of us on this Blog Hop, spread over 3 days – 4, 5, 6 October  2019. Do follow along with our posts and prepare to be surprised!

Posted in Soulful living.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. The Mindful Break is always something to look forward to. I know I’ve enjoyed doing it and am looking forward to the variation this year. Thanks for hosting it, Shinjini. I hope your month is wonderful in every way.

  2. I remember your mindful break tag during last October when I too was participating. And, yes, just as I read this post I realised I can join in this time as well!
    Thanks for the reminder, Shinjini! AM joining you on Insta! <3

  3. I took part in the mindfulness break last year but after doing it for 4 days, I fell out of the bandwagon. This year, there are prompts and I don’t know if I can think hard enough to post images on instagram according to the prompts. Nevertheless, your twitter posts and Insta feed on the same remind me for being mindfull everyday.

  4. I am a great believer of mindful living, Shinjini and I do follow it in my quiet kind of way, everyday, in some form or the other! Must say, I’m loving #themindfulbreak on Insta and even if it is my first time and despite running behind schedule, I’m still going to be posting as and when time permits! Hopefully, now that our big festival is over, I’ll be able to schedule my posts on time.

  5. I feel I came to the party late. I saw other fellow blogger friends taking mindful break and mentioning you, so I kind of figured out. I would nevertheless try to be more mindful in the remaining few days of this month.

  6. I feel bad about starting this but dropping in between. I am glad you found a good solution that worked for you, shinjini! I am always in awe of the many talents you possess. Thanks for joining, #WordsMatter.

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