April 2024: Tarot spread for the full moon in Scorpio

Plus some journaling exercises, an astro-tarot forecast and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the full moon in Scorpio.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the April 2024 full moon in Scorpio

The April 2024 full moon falls in the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio archetype is known for its intense power and its ability to transform, much like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, ready to fly. The Scorpio archetype isn’t afraid of the birth-death-rebirth cycle, for it is only when parts of us die and are reborn that we can fully transform.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that spiritually, the Scorpio archetype teaches us to surrender – to align our human will with divine will. It can teach us that sometimes our human trials can reveal a need for deep healing. This is not always easy to live with or to understand, especially when the need for healing arises from trauma, and yet on the other side of working with and healing trauma there can be deep and valuable transformation.

This full moon also highlights our sense of purpose and belonging. The ways in which we show up for ourselves and others. The things, great or small, that we accomplish for ourselves or within the wider world. It also highlights our partnerships — the people and ideas we collaborate and partner with, learn from, create with.


This full moon is a good time to consider the various relationships, collaborators, colleagues, and mentors who are part of your life, to think about why you’re maintaining the relationships you’re in, and how these relationships can enhance your life, make them fuller, and make these relationships even better for everyone involved.

Astro-tarot influences for the April 2024 full moon in Scorpio

To throw some more light on the April full moon astrology, let’s take a look at the astro-tarot influences of this lunation. The Scorpio full moon falls in decan 1, which is represented by the Five of Cups. This is to be interpreted in conjunction with Death, which is associated with Scorpio.

The Daily Pause Oracle Deck

I designed this beautiful, 40-card oracle deck to bring in some stillness, to give us a word or an idea to reflect on as we go about our day.

Supported by the four elements – earth, air, fire, water – and a carefully thought-out structure that connects the cards, The Daily Pause oracle will help you to listen to and trust your own inner knowing.

There’s no learning curve involved with using this deck. Just get quiet, shuffle the cards, pull one out, and reflect on the word you’re presented with.

Coming on the heels of the powerful solar eclipse earlier this month, this full moon illuminates our continuing transformation as we emerge from eclipse season. If you felt the energy of the solar eclipse — it was pretty intense! — chances are that this full moon will smoothen some of the edges.

It’s not likely to be an easy or calming full moon, though. We still have some integrating to do. Some changes to go through. Things are still very much in flux. Maybe you’re still mourning a change, ruminating over a major decision, or are feeling some sort of heaviness. Know that this is a phase, that just as the moon waxes and wanes, this feeling will shift too.

With the Moon squaring Pluto during this lunation, there is a danger that we will get caught up in the loop of obsessive thoughts and excessive rumination. But if we are aware of this energy, we can build in some time to ground ourselves, to look for glimmers and silver linings. It feels like a pull on the strings of the work we did during the lunar eclipse in March and perhaps even the solar eclipse earlier this month. If you did some journaling or made notes of your tarot spreads, take a look at them during this lunation and see if any of those themes are alive for you at this time.


We are still in a powerful window of change, a death-rebirth cycle. And while it can feel confronting, it is almost always better to change and adapt than to continue walking down a path that doesn’t feel resonant any more. Whatever the situation you’re grappling with, if the thought of letting go makes you feel free, honor that feeling, and trust that a new path is already unfolding — even if you cannot quite see it yet.

Sabian Symbol for the April 2024 full moon

The Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 4 degrees is A Massive, Rocky Shore Resists The Pounding Of The Sea.

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Get the astro-tarot forecast for each new and full moon delivered straight to your mailbox!

Expect two to three emails per month, with a link to the post containing the forecast, a beautifully designed tarot spread, and journaling questions.

This symbol brings to mind an image of a rocky beach, a lighthouse in the distance, and the waves crashing over the rocks. Through time and centuries, the rocks are battered by the water. Perhaps they break down, slowly, but for all intents and purposes, the rocks still stand. Despite the onslaught of a relentless sea.

This imagery provides some understanding of what this symbol means — a situation that is rock-solid, that will require significant time and effort to change. And while we may feel like we are being pummeled from all sides, we do have a degree of strength to withstand the onslaught. If we want to keep things as they are, there is a good chance that once the storm is over, things will pretty much go back to normal. But if you’re trying to make a change, it’s a much harder story.

Linda Hill offers these words in 360 Degrees of Wisdom: The Sabian Oracle: “Consistent persistence can lead to the achievement of difficult outcomes and objectives. Perhaps love and compassion need to be employed. How long can things continue with the same energy? How long can people endure without changing? Consider your chances for success. You may be ‘Pounding’ the wrong shore. Wait for the ‘Seas’ to calm and look at your true emotional motivations.”

Tarot spread for the April 2024 Scorpio full moon

Here’s a tarot spread to tap into the energy of this full moon.

Astro-tarot forecast, tarot spread, and journaling questions for the April 2024 full moon in Scorpio

Death: A shift that occurred during the eclipse portal

Rebirth: An energy that is arising

Integration: How to integrate this change. Look to the card for suggestions on actions you can take that will help you to integrate the changes indicated in the first two cards.

Grounding: How to remain grounded during this time. Look to the card for suggestions on actions you can take that will help you remain grounded.

Mamma moon says: This is always an encouraging message

If you share your spreads on Instagram, please use the hashtag #moontarotstories or tag me @moderngypsy.in so we can connect with each other.


Journaling questions for the full moon in Scorpio

There are no journaling prompts per se. Rather, two journaling exercises that you can choose to engage in if you wish.

A journal exercise for integration: Look over your tarot spreads, journaling, notes from the previous two eclipses. What patterns and themes do you notice? Has anything shifted for you during this time, even if it’s just a small shift? Are there any insights that you’ve forgotten? What do you need to integrate?

A journal exercise for letting go: If you find your thoughts going round and round in circles, set a 15 minute timer and let it all out in your journal. Staple the pages together, paint over them, or tear them out and burn them as a way to symbolically release those thoughts.

Learn how to work with the cycles of mama moon!

Are you interested in spending an entire year cycling with the moon, creating art, journaling, and deepening your connection with mama moon? Would you like to learn art witchery, establish your own art witch practice, and use mixed media art as a spiritual tool? Join me on Moonshine 2024 – a year-long journey into the realm of moon-based art witchery in all its glorious forms, hosted by Effy Wild!

You will join a coven of the most fabulous moon-loving art witches, some of whom have been in the program since its inception in this format six years ago!

Here’s what you get:

  • Membership in this year’s Moonshine Coven + Lifetime membership in Moonshine Cafe (both on Facebook).
  • A monthly PDF of written musings, including an art witch primer with suggested activities and resources that, when collected over the course of the year, forms a complete training system in art witchery. Included within the course materials are art witch tips, new essential oil blends, astro-tarot forecasts, oracle reading layouts, herbal lore and crystal lore.
  • A full-length monthly painting tutorial (downloadable video + PDF walkthrough).
  • Documentation for each full and new moon, both of which include astro-tarot forecasts and oracle reading layouts.
  • A new painting demonstration for the new moon (filmed live on Zoom so we can paint together + offered as a downloadable replay for those who can’t attend live).
  • A new painting demonstration for the full moon (offered as a downloadable pre-recorded speed painting) with notes on how I’m engaging the current energies. 
  • A live activation gathering on Zoom in the first week of the month (also offered as a downloadable replay). In these gatherings, we read the content together, do Q&A, check-ins and draw a tarot card to establish our ‘coven work’ (optional) for the month.
  • A coupon code for $90 off for Moonshine 2025.

This experience is meant to give you deep training in art witchery AND mixed media art as a spiritual tool with an emphasis on establishing your own art witch practice based on thorough, scaffolded guidance that will get you sound, self-possessed, and in pursuit of your most deeply held desired outcomes.

Sounds interesting? Click the button for more details + to sign up!

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I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?

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