Should you go deep or wide with your art practice?

On the final episode of this year and this season of the Art with Soul podcast, we talk about depth versus breadth when it comes to your art practice. I share some ideas on what going deep with your art practice can look like, and offer some suggestions on when and how to go wide with your art practice.

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I think we artists tend to be a bit like magpies, hoarding all those shiny new supplies and e-courses. We’re constantly looking around at all the gorgeous art being shared, and keep trying our hand at new techniques and styles. Which is fun, of course, though I think there comes a time when you should consider going deeper with your art practice. By which I mean really focusing in on what you already have and exploring techniques or styles in greater depth.

There is also a case for going wider, of course. Especially if you’re relatively new at art or feel like you’re stuck in a bit of a rut and need to shake yourself out of it. And that’s just what I’m talking about today.

Tune in as we talk about:

  • What a depth practice looks like + where I drew inspiration for it
  • Different ways to go deeper with your art practice
  • When you should go wide with your art practice
  • Some tips and suggestions on going wide

And much more!

Additional resources mentioned on this episode

What is a depth year + my depth year framework for 2019 and 2020, which include my plans for going deeper with my art practice

My own years of depth led to an exploration of intuitive painting and expressive abstracts.

I suggested two full-year art courses on this podcast:

Lifebook by Tamara La Porte – I’ve taken this course twice, and I learnt a lot from all the lessons and teachers. If you’re just starting, and if you love painting faces, this may be an interesting course for you. Over half of the lessons in the class tend to focus on painting whimsical styles faces.

Book of Days by Effy Wild – I’ve taken this course in its earlier versions four times, but I take at least one course by Effy every single year. I credit a major part of my growth as an artist to Effy’s teachings and encouragement. Book of Days is a deep dive into mixed media art, soulful self expression, and a truly unique teaching on meeting yourself on the page. I think this class is excellent no matter where you are on your art journey! {Pssst: I’m super excited to be a guest teacher on Book of Days this year!}

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Posted in Mindset for artists, The Art with Soul Podcast.

I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. Thank you for this insightful podcast! I enjoyed listening to it and found it really related to me and my 15 year journey into clay and glass making. I tend to go WIDE and WIDER, and WIDER still. So, I think 2022 will be the perfect year to go DEEP! Thank you for giving me that insight. I look forward to your next podcast in 2022. Be well, Lori

  2. finally catching up to this. what a great topic.I have been feeling that call to go deep.I relate to many things shared here .the shiny object syndrome I have long hopped from class to art piece with a many unfinished.Last year I completed many unfinished ones. and that sense of completion is gratifying and liberating.Thank you for this generous gift of a podcast.I find myself replaying a few while coloring in a sketch over a tea break.

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