March 2024: Tarot spread for the new moon in Pisces

Plus an astro-tarot forecast, journaling questions and an exploration of the Sabian symbol for the new moon in Pisces.

Tarot spread and astro-tarot forecast for the March 2024 new moon in Pisces

The March 2024 new moon falls in the sign of Pisces. The Pisces archetype is highly intuitive and very open to the flow of creative imagination. This is the sign of creative dreamers and mystics and visionaries, which makes this full moon an excellent time to flex your intuitive and creative muscles.

Spiritually, the Pisces archetype teaches the principle of unity, of recognizing the divinity within you. One way to understand this principle is by looking at creation – the creator {God, Universe, Source, however you wish to name it} created this earth, the rivers and seas, the trees, birds, insects, animals, man. Similarly, man has the ability to create – and to create consciously. It is this ability that points to the spiritual truth of Pisces, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience {with the emphasis on our humanness in all its frailty and beauty}. It is by accepting responsibility for consciously creating – which isn’t always easy – that you connect most deeply with the creator. Needless to say, empathy and compassion are the cornerstones of the Pisces archetype.


This new moon can also usher in a cycle of change, encouraging us to release old patterns, blocks, and goals that may be going nowhere. What is holding you back? What needs to be released? These are some of the questions that this new moon highlights. Look to what excites you…what feels vital and juicy at this time. Focus on that, letting anything that is holding you back from following those clues fall away to the wayside.

This new moon is also a good time to refresh our rituals. Our small daily rituals can anchor us, providing touchstones on which we structure our days. But it’s all too easy to skip these little rituals when things become chaotic, or for our rituals to start feeling stale. How can you refresh your daily rituals? How can you invite moments of daily magic into your days? Recommit to your daily rituals, or design new ones during this new moon cycle.

Astro-tarot influences for the March 2024 new moon in Pisces

To throw some more light on the March new moon astrology, let’s take a look at the astro-tarot influences of this lunation. The Pisces new moon falls in decan 3, which is represented by the Ten of Cups. This is to be interpreted in conjunction with The Moon, which is associated with Pisces.

The Daily Pause Oracle Deck

I designed this beautiful, 40-card oracle deck to bring in some stillness, to give us a word or an idea to reflect on as we go about our day.

Supported by the four elements – earth, air, fire, water – and a carefully thought-out structure that connects the cards, The Daily Pause oracle will help you to listen to and trust your own inner knowing.

There’s no learning curve involved with using this deck. Just get quiet, shuffle the cards, pull one out, and reflect on the word you’re presented with.

The 10 of Cups exudes contentment — a moment in time when everything is right in our world. It can feel rare, it’s often fleeting, but when we are in that moment, we wish it could stretch out forever.

Contentment often gets a bad rap, equated with complacency and to being in a comfort zone. But contentment and complacency are two subtly but wildly different things. And comfort zones can be, well, comfortable, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be comfortable. Except that when we are comfortable, we aren’t chasing every new shiny thing, which makes the capitalist machine very unhappy. So is it any surprise, then, that the over culture has convinced us that the only way to “personal growth” and to achieving anything “meaningful” is to keep breaking through our comfort zones?

This new moon can help us see through the illusions of the over culture, to recognise the lies that keep us feeling trapped and unhappy.

With visionary Neptune, structured Saturn, and mercurial Mercury all making a conjunction with the Moon, we have some phenomenal astrology to work with during this moon cycle.


Pay attention to your dreams — sleeping dreams and day dreams both. Be alert for secret messages, signs, and synchronicity. Be mindful of the words and intentions you put out into the ethers at this time. Your words, after all, are spells. And take concrete action on your intentions and new moon wishes. The things you set into motion during this lunation have a very good chance of taking root, as Uranus, the planet of change, makes a sextile with the moon.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is also active during this lunation, lending it a gentle, healing quality before we head into eclipse season.

Sabian Symbol for the March 2024 new moon

The Sabian Symbol for Pisces 20 degrees is A Little White Lamb, A Child And A Servant.

Sign up for the Numinous Stardust!

Get the astro-tarot forecast for each new and full moon delivered straight to your mailbox!

Expect two to three emails per month, with a link to the post containing the forecast, a beautifully designed tarot spread, and journaling questions.

There’s something very comforting about this symbol, isn’t there? A child with a little lamb to hold close to her heart and someone to take care of her needs and provide her with care and comfort.

Maybe you see yourself as the little child who is surrounded by softness or as the one who is providing safety and comfort to those around you.

There’s a certain sense of security associated with this symbol. Of being protected and sheltered; loved and cared for; and extending that protection and love to those around you.


Tarot spread for the March 2024 Pisces new moon

Here’s a tarot spread to tap into the energy of this new moon. Go with your first instincts while interpreting your cards.

Astro-tarot forecast, tarot spread, and a personal values exercise for the March 2024 new moon in Pisces.

1. Illusions: Draw 2 cards. This a story spell that you are currently under.

2. Shattered: Draw 1 card. This shatters the illusion of the story.

3. Path: Draw 2 cards. This indicates your your area of focus for this lunation

4. Found: Draw 1 card. Use this to come up with some actionable steps related to the previous 2 cards.

5. Mamma moon says: This is always an encouraging message

If you share your spreads on Instagram, please use the hashtag #moontarotstories or tag me so we can connect with each other.

Journaling questions for the new moon in Pisces

Not a cardslinger? No problem. Here are some journaling questions for you instead.


Is there an area of your life or a decision around which you feel stuck or confused? What clouds your clarity?

If there was no confusion {which usually stems from some sort of fear} and if success was guaranteed, what would your heart choose?

Think of any practical steps you can take to give yourself a sense of comfort and stability you need to move forward.

Learn how to work with the cycles of mama moon!

Are you interested in spending an entire year cycling with the moon, creating art, journaling, and deepening your connection with mama moon? Would you like to learn art witchery, establish your own art witch practice, and use mixed media art as a spiritual tool? Join me on Moonshine 2024 – a year-long journey into the realm of moon-based art witchery in all its glorious forms, hosted by Effy Wild!

You will join a coven of the most fabulous moon-loving art witches, some of whom have been in the program since its inception in this format six years ago!

Here’s what you get:

  • Membership in this year’s Moonshine Coven + Lifetime membership in Moonshine Cafe (both on Facebook).
  • A monthly PDF of written musings, including an art witch primer with suggested activities and resources that, when collected over the course of the year, forms a complete training system in art witchery. Included within the course materials are art witch tips, new essential oil blends, astro-tarot forecasts, oracle reading layouts, herbal lore and crystal lore.
  • A full-length monthly painting tutorial (downloadable video + PDF walkthrough).
  • Documentation for each full and new moon, both of which include astro-tarot forecasts and oracle reading layouts.
  • A new painting demonstration for the new moon (filmed live on Zoom so we can paint together + offered as a downloadable replay for those who can’t attend live).
  • A new painting demonstration for the full moon (offered as a downloadable pre-recorded speed painting) with notes on how I’m engaging the current energies. 
  • A live activation gathering on Zoom in the first week of the month (also offered as a downloadable replay). In these gatherings, we read the content together, do Q&A, check-ins and draw a tarot card to establish our ‘coven work’ (optional) for the month.
  • A coupon code for $90 off for Moonshine 2025.

This experience is meant to give you deep training in art witchery AND mixed media art as a spiritual tool with an emphasis on establishing your own art witch practice based on thorough, scaffolded guidance that will get you sound, self-possessed, and in pursuit of your most deeply held desired outcomes.

Sounds interesting? Click the button for more details + to sign up!

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I’m an artist and art educator, podcaster, tarot reader, and writer. I share my discoveries along the path to inspire you to live a more creative, soul-centered life. Receive my love letters for more of my musings on life and creativity. P.S. I love Instagram - join me there?


  1. I have never tried tarot cards, but there were some interesting things that caught my eye in this post, Shinjini. I would have liked to highlight those sentences like we do in Medium. But the journaling questions are spot on. I will reflect on them. 🙂

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